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Actores del sistema de justicia analizan principales desafíos CPP a 20 años de su aplicación 

Actores del sistema de justicia analizan principales desafíos CPP a 20 años de su aplicación 

Entre los desafíos se citan promover un cambio cultural en la aplicación de los acuerdos penales, reforzar la interoperabilidad del sistema de justicia para gestión de los procesos y el programa de Optimización Penal  El Poder Judicial dominicano, el Ministerio Público y la Oficina Nacional de Defensa Pública, bajo la coordinación la Escuela Nacional de … Leer más

Juez presidente de la SCJ apertura seminario internacional justicia con perspectiva de género; enfatiza machismo y violencia deben enfrentarse  

El evento que se realiza en el marco del Día Internacional de la no Violencia contra la Mujer, coincide con la conmemoración del 25 aniversario de esta fecha, instaurada por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas   El Juez presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia (SCJ), Henry Molina, aseguró este lunes que el machismo … Leer más

Departamentos judiciales del sur presentan exitosos resultados en combate a la mora judicial 

El departamento Judicial de San Juan de la Maguana es el primero a nivel nacional en tener el 100 % de sus salas al día y asuntos solucionados   El Poder Judicial dominicano presentó este viernes los resultados en reducción de la mora judicial en los departamentos de San Juan de la Maguana, Barahona y San Cristóbal, … Leer más

Magistrate Jerez Mena says technological innovation strengthens justice 

Medellín, Colombia. - Justice Francisco Antonio Jerez Mena, president of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, stated that technological innovation and continuous training of justice operators are essential to strengthen international cooperation and respond to new challenges more effectively. Justice Jerez Mena made ... Read More

Judicial Branch favors the application of preventive measures against labor and sexual harassment 

The Judiciary and the National School of the Judiciary (ENJ) held a lecture to raise awareness of the "Protocol of Action against Violence, Discrimination and Harassment in the Judiciary". The objective of the activity is to promote a healthy social and work environment, free of harassment, discrimination and sexual harassment, through the implementation of measures and responses ... Read more

Dominican Judicial Branch assures Data Protection Policy guarantees press freedom 

The transparency of judicial proceedings is of general interest. The Judicial Branch guarantees this right of the press and the citizenry in a permanent and decisive manner. In this sense, access to news data is not restricted The Dominican Judicial Branch assured on Monday that freedom of the press is guaranteed in the judicial process and that it will not be ... Read more

Judicial Branch guarantees the right to privacy and protection of information with the implementation of the Data Protection Policy  

The Dominican Judicial Branch took a fundamental step in the protection of the right to information and transparency, and the fundamental right to privacy, with the implementation of its Data Protection Policy. This initiative, applicable to the publication of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice and all the courts of the Dominican ... Read More

ENJ stands out in the 11th International Conference of the International Organization for Judicial Training (IOJT) and Ángel Brito assumes regional leadership  

 The director of the National School of the Judiciary (ENJ), Ángel Brito, was appointed regional vice president for North, Central America and the Caribbean at the 11th International Conference on Judicial Training, held in South Korea from November 3 to 7, 2024. This important event was held under the theme: ... Read More

Judicial departments of Montecristi, Puerto Plata and Santiago show progress in reducing judicial delays and access to justice   

The judicial departments of Montecristi, Puerto Plata and Santiago presented this Friday the advances of their courts in the reduction of delinquency, accessibility to justice and the application of technology in their different courtrooms, in the framework of the construction of the ten-year strategic plan of the Judiciary. In the event, headed by ... Read More

Experts agree on importance of strengthening relationship between judges and journalists  

The Judicial Branch and the National School of the Judiciary (ENJ) concluded the specialized course "Judicial Communication", organized by the Chair of Justice and Communication "Adriano Miguel Tejada", created with the purpose of generating an academic space to reflect on judicial communication in the Dominican Republic. The closing of the course, which took place over a period of ... Read more