List of Directors and Officers
Doctor in Law, Magna cum laude, graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, with a Master's Degree in Private Law and Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Law, Economics and Sciences of Aix-Marseille III, France; as well as in Public Management from the Ortega y Gasset Institute of Spain.
Gervasia Valenzuela Sosa
General Technical Director.
Doctor in Law, Magna cum laude, graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, with a Master's Degree in Private Law and Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Law, Economics and Sciences of Aix-Marseille III, France; as well as in Public Management from the Ortega y Gasset Institute of Spain.
In the area of education, she has a master's degree in linguistics applied to the teaching of French at the University of the Antilles, in Martinique; Virtual Teaching Environments at the University of Panama. Culminating her training in 2015 with a PhD in Educational Sciences, Didactics and Educational Organization, from the University of Seville, Spain.
She is the first woman to direct the National School of the Judiciary and achieve the recognition of this institution of the Ministry of Higher Education as an Institute of Higher Specialized Studies. She achieved the accreditation of the Training Program for Aspiring Peace Judges before the quality standard of the Ibero-American Network of Judicial Schools and the certification of the School in the Quality Standard ISO 9001-2008 and 9001-2015.
Jhonattan Toribio Frías is a professional with more than 20 years of experience in modernization and institutional development processes in the areas of: justice, real estate registry, e-procurement, public finance, e-government and human management. He is a Systems and Industrial Engineer, with a Master's Degree in Information Systems and training in Corporate Integrity, Transparency, Good Governance and Leadership in the Public Sector.
Jhonattan Toribio Frias
General Director of Administration and Judicial Careers
Jhonattan Toribio Frias is a professional with more than 20 years of experience in modernization and institutional development processes in the areas of: justice, real estate registry, electronic procurement, public finance, e-government and human management.
Systems and Industrial Engineer, with a Master's Degree in Information Systems and training in Corporate Integrity, Transparency, Good Governance and Leadership in the Public Sector.
In his professional career he has led and collaborated in processes of updating standards, strategic planning, design of management models, and evaluation, selection, acquisition and implementation of complex technological solutions.
Served as general administrator of the Real Estate Registry.
In the area of training, he has taught at the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, the Universidad Iberoamericana and the Centro de Capacitación en Política y Gestión Fiscal del Ministerio de Hacienda.
Currently, he is the General Director of Administration and Judicial Career of the Judicial Branch, which is in charge of the administrative, budgetary and human capital management activities of the Judicial Branch, for an effective implementation of the processes.
Graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) with a degree in Economics. Postgraduate studies in Political Science for Development at the University of Salamanca (Spain)/Funglode (DR).
Javier Cabreja Polanco
General Coordinator of Communications and Public Affairs
Graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) with a degree in Economics. Postgraduate studies in Political Science for Development at the University of Salamanca (Spain)/Funglode (DR). With complementary studies and certifications in the areas of Democracy, electoral processes and citizen participation.
He has served as manager in several non-governmental organizations in the country and has worked as a university professor in the areas of public policy, economics and social participation.
He was director and founding partner of the firm DEMOP-consultores, ''Democracia y Políticas Públicas". Columnist for the newspaper El Caribe during the period 2011-2020. Analyst/commentator in the television program El Día de Telesistema Canal 11during the period 2013-2020. Executive Director of the non-partisan civic movement Participación Ciudadana between 2000 and 2012.
Has been national and international consultant in the areas of democracy, elections and civil society participation. International lecturer and electoral observer in 8 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Facilitator of the Political Dialogue in Nicaragua (2019) and Honduras (2013-2019) in an initiative promoted by the United Nations (UN) for the construction of political agreements for the integrity of elections and electoral reforms.
He has been a professor of the Master's Degree in Public Management at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). Teacher in the area of economics, at the Instituto Filosófico Pedro Francisco Bonó and teacher coordinator of the Diploma in Leadership Training: Democracy, Technology and Public Policy" of the Instituto Tecnológico de las Américas (ITLA) between 2017-2020.
He is the author of several publications on democracy, elections and citizen participation, contained in the "Diccionario Electoral" (2nd Edition); "Cuadernos del Centro de Asistencia y Promoción Electoral del Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDHA/CAPEL)"; "Participación Ciudadana y Descentralización en América Latina: Avances, desafíos y prácticas ejemplares" by INDES-BID; among others.
In 1987, he graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo with a degree in Political Science, mention in International Relations, cum laude. In the year 2000, he graduated Summa cum laude, with a degree in Law, from the Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago.
Jacinto Castillo Moronta
Inspector General
In 1987, he graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo with a degree in Political Science, mention in International Relations, cum laude. In the year 2000, he graduated Summa cum laude, with a degree in Law, from the Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago.
He completed a Master's Degree in Criminal Procedural Law (2009-2011) at the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo and a Master's Degree in Constitutional Justice Administration (2017-2019), at the Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura. In 2014, Jacinto Castillo completed an International Master's Degree in University Management at the University of Alcalá, in Spain.
Mr. Castillo was Coordinator of the criminal area of the National School of the Judiciary from 2006 to 2011. In 2011 he assumed the position of Deputy Director of the National School of the Judiciary until 2019. He was also Public Defender from February 2005 to April 2011. He has taught Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at different universities: Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura, Escuela Nacional del Ministerio Público, PUCMM, UNICARIBE and UNPHU, as well as the Centro de Estudios de la Cámara de Diputados. He currently teaches Special Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) and the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre Y Maestra (PUCMM).
Since May 28, 2019, he has served as Inspector General of the Judicial Branch Council.
Graduated from the Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago in 2004 with a bachelor's degree in Public Accounting. in Public Accounting and then studied a master's degree in Integral Auditing and Management Control at the at the University of Valencia, Spain, in coordination with Apec University. Apec University.
Yocasta Garcia
Comptroller General
She graduated from the Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago in 2004 with a degree in Public Accounting and then studied a master's degree in Integral Auditing and Management Control at the University of Valencia, Spain, in coordination with the Universidad Apec.
Among his complementary training we can highlight training course in Virtual Tutoring, INFOTEP professional training facilitator; in the tax area, tax management internal taxation; in the field of Quality, ISO 9001-2015; and quality audit ISO 9001-2008.
In the general field, Yocasta García has taken courses in Restructuring and Liquidation of Companies and Individuals for Comptrollers; Course on Information Systems for Statistical Purposes and Modern Supervision, Management and Development Techniques.
García served as an Administration and Finance management analyst at the National School of the Judiciary and Accountant, from 2007 to 2016, when she became Administration and Finance manager, until the time she was selected as Comptroller General of the Judiciary.
Graduated from Universidad Católica Santo Domingo with a degree in Social Communication. She completed an Official Master's Degree in Journalism, specializing in Institutional Communication at the Antonio de Nebrija University, in Madrid, Spain.
Fatima Giselle de la Rosa Valdez
Director of Press and Communications
Graduated from Universidad Católica Santo Domingo with a degree in Social Communication. She completed an Official Master's Degree in Journalism, specializing in Institutional Communication at the Antonio de Nebrija University, in Madrid, Spain.
She has an international certification in Sustainability from the Chartered Management Institute (CMI), and has completed studies and diplomas in: Public Relations Management, Crisis Communication Management, Events and Shows Management and Marketing, Social Projects Management, among others.
Her professional career includes vast experience in positioning and reputation management for companies, institutions and organizations of national and international scope. She has held positions as External Communications Manager at Claro Dominicana, Manager and Senior Account Executive at Newlink Dominicana; Communications Advisor at CaribbeanPorterNovelli, of the Pagés Group; Communications and Content Manager at Piamonte Group TV (Madrid).
For five years, she directed an educational project for underprivileged girls in Santo Domingo, with the intention of promoting their personal development through culture and values.
She has been a teacher of the Diploma in Public Relations at the Chavón School of Design, teaching the modules: Media Relations and Crisis Communication Management. In her professional career, she has obtained awards for: Team Operational Excellence, gold and Team Leadership.
Law degree from Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), with extensive experience in public affairs, with emphasis on institutional and strategic communication, crisis management, public image and project execution.
Renata Aquino Solano
Director of Production and Institutional Identity
Law Degree, graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra. She has completed courses in Human Relations and Quality in Citizen Service; English High School; Diploma in Methodology of the Teaching-Learning Process in Higher Education; Course on Judicial Training by Competencies; Specialization in Virtual Education Environments; Diploma in Virtual Tutoring; Postgraduate Degree in Human Rights and Fair Trial; Seminar-Workshop on the Foundations of Quality and Excellence; Course on Reflections on the Training of Judges in Ibero-America.
Mariloy Díaz Rodríguez
Director of Innovation and Quality of Justice
Law Degree, graduated from Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra. She has completed courses in Human Relations and Quality in Citizen Service; English High School; Diploma in Methodology of the Teaching-Learning Process in Higher Education; Course on Judicial Training by Competencies; Specialization in Virtual Education Environments; Diploma in Virtual Tutoring; Postgraduate Degree in Human Rights and Fair Trial; Seminar-Workshop on the Foundations of Quality and Excellence; Course on Reflections on the Training of Judges in Ibero-America.
She joined the Judiciary as Clerk III of the First Chamber of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the National District. Then she was promoted to the position of Assistant Judge of the First Chamber of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the National District. She later became an Assistant Lawyer of the First Chamber of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the National District.
She joined the National School of the Judiciary and held, among other positions, the position of Manager of the Training and Education Area - Administration and Quality - from where she became Director of Human Management and Judicial Career of the Judiciary. She was promoted to General Administrator of the Real Estate Jurisdiction and from there she was transferred to the Directorate of Human Management and Judicial Career with the position of Director, also holding the position of General Director of Administration and Judicial Career on an interim basis.
Mareline Tejera Suero
Technical Office Director
She has a law degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, where she obtained a Master's Degree in Criminal Law. She also completed a Master's Degree in Constitutional Justice Administration at the National School of the Judiciary.
She enters the public labor sector through the competitive examination of the Training Program for Aspiring Public Defenders specializing in Children and Adolescents, achieving the second highest score of her promotion. From that moment on, she joined the public defender's career by entering the Judicial Branch as a public defender in the National District.
His areas of expertise include: Procedural Law, Criminal Law, Bioethics, Asset Forfeiture, Money Laundering, Litigation, Human Rights, Tax Law, Administrative Law, Human Trafficking, Labor Law, Constitutional Procedural Law, Finance and Public Investment, Research Methodology, Management and Management, among others.
His teaching experience includes the University of the Caribbean (UNICARIBE), the National School of the Judiciary, the Open University for Adults (UAPA) and the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo.
Rosa Iris Linares Tavarez
Director of Inclusive Justice
She is a Doctor in Law, a graduate of the Universidad Central del Este and a professor at the Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura (National School of the Judiciary). She holds a Master's Degree in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, and a Master's Degree in Constitutional Justice Administration from the Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura. She completed an internship at the Judicial Branch, San José, Costa Rica.
Among his training courses are the Stage of Execution of Sanctions in the Spanish Justice System. Madrid, Spain; and Constitutional Law diploma courses. Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU); Access to Justice for Vulnerable Populations, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU); Children's Rights, UASD; Asylum, Refuge and Nationality Rights, Escuela Nacional de Migración; Human Rights "Introduction to Advocacy for the Access to Justice for Persons in Condition of Vulnerability" and Constitutional Procedural Law, UNPHU.
She has taken several courses on Access to Justice for Persons in Condition of Vulnerability, Strategic Litigation, Human Rights, Constitutional Interpretation, among others. She graduated from the National School of the Judiciary as an Aspiring Public Defender in the Jurisdiction of Children and Adolescents in 2005.
He worked at the National Public Defense Office for 15 years. She has 10 years of experience in the management of public defense offices and 5 years coordinating the Department of Free Legal Assistance for Vulnerable Groups. She worked as a judge in disciplinary matters for more than 14 years.
She joined the National Police in 2003 as a cadet of the institution, graduating in the first mixed promotion as an honor graduate with a degree in Police Sciences, then graduated with a degree in Law from the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), Doctor of Medicine from the Universidad Católica Nordestana (UNCE) and Specialization in Clinical Nutrition from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC).
Ana Jiménez Cruceta
Central Director of Judicial Protection Police
She joined the National Police in 2003 as a cadet of the institution, graduating in the first mixed promotion as an honor graduate with a degree in Police Sciences, then graduated with a degree in Law from the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU), Doctor of Medicine from the Universidad Católica Nordestana (UNCE) and Specialization in Clinical Nutrition from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC).
Among his complementary trainings we can mention: Specialization in Citizen Security from the Instituto Policial de Educación Superior (IPES), Master's Degree in Investigation and Criminology from the UDIMA University in Madrid and Speech at the Escuela Nacional Otto Rivera.
In his 20 years of work as an active member of the National Police, he has held important positions such as: Commander of the Female Cadet Corps, P.N., Commander of the Polygraph Department, P.N., Deputy Director of Strategic Communications, P.N., Director of Strategic Communications, P.N. and Spokesperson of the P.N., among others.
She joined the Judicial Branch in 2018 holding the position of Plant Security, re-entering in June 2023, where she was appointed to the position of Central Director of the Judicial Protection Police.
He graduated from Universidad Iberoamericana with a law degree (2012), Summa Cum Laude, with the highest academic distinction of the XXXIV promotion of law graduates. He was a member of the "Leaders of Tomorrow" program (2008), representing university leadership in multiple activities and extracurricular programs of the Universidad Iberoamericana and the School of Law. He obtained a Master's degree in Law of State Administration (2014) from the University of Salamanca/Global Institute of Higher Studies in Social Sciences.
Enmanuel Moreta Fermín
Legal Director
He graduated from Universidad Iberoamericana with a law degree (2012), Summa Cum Laude, with the highest academic distinction of the XXXIV promotion of law graduates. He was a member of the "Leaders of Tomorrow" program (2008), representing university leadership in multiple activities and extracurricular programs of the Universidad Iberoamericana and the School of Law. He obtained a Master's degree in Law of State Administration (2014) from the University of Salamanca/Global Institute of Higher Studies in Social Sciences.
His professional practice has specialized in the legal-economic vision for the resolution of public administration and public policy management issues. His training combines an interdisciplinary vision in legal and economic matters that conceives the functionality of law for social transformation and economic development. He has assisted public and private sector entities related to general public law, capital markets, public economics and public services. In the academic field, he has served in teaching at the Universidad Iberoamérica and in the presentation of publications on human rights, freedom of expression and public information, financial markets and public policies.
She is a graduate in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), with a Master's degree in Applied Economics from Johns Hopkins University, and has more than 15 years of professional experience in the areas of planning and design and implementation of public policies.
Rosaura Quiñones
Director of Public Policy and Analysis
She is a graduate in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), with a Master's degree in Applied Economics from Johns Hopkins University, and has more than 15 years of professional experience in the areas of planning and design and implementation of public policies.
She has held various positions in the Dominican State in institutions such as: Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, Superintendency of Securities, Office of Budget Monitoring, Evaluation and Analysis of the National Congress of the Dominican Republic, Directorate of Internal Taxes, where she was an advisor for the tax reform process in 2012, and the Directorate General of Budget where she served as Director of Economic Studies and Budget Integration.
He was also an economist for Latin America at the Development Center of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Upon his return to the country, he served as Cabinet Coordinator for the National Health Insurance and the National Health Service.
Graduated from Universidad Acción Pro-Education and Culture (UNAPEC), with a bachelor's degree in Accounting and a master's degree in Financial Administration. He has studies in Strategic Planning; Tax Returns, Senior Management; as well as preparation in Leadership and Team Management.
Artagerge Mateo Tejeda
Chief Financial Officer
Graduated from Universidad Acción Pro-Education and Culture (UNAPEC), with a bachelor's degree in Accounting and a master's degree in Financial Administration. He has studies in Strategic Planning; Tax Returns, Senior Management; as well as preparation in Leadership and Team Management.
He has more than 10 years of work experience in the area of corporate finance and internal control. He worked for the auditing firm KPMG, where he supervised financial statements and suggested opinions according to the audit results. Then, he moved to Ambev Dominicana as Internal Audit Coordinator.
He served as Administrative Financial Manager of ARS Yunén, with responsibility for ensuring compliance with policies, standards and procedures in financial matters, for the development of operations, a position he held for 2 years.
He also worked for Duty Free Punta, where he started as Controller, and then became Financial Manager, with the functions of preparing the financial statements and all their statistical complements, preparation of the annual budget and its control, preparation of projections in search of opportunities for profitability, preparation of statistics and reports of the area.
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo. She has completed specialization studies related to her professional career, such as: Master in Business Administration, MAE (PUCMM); Postgraduate in Corporate Finance (INTEC); Specialty Project Management (FUNIBER); Trained in Project Management PM4R, Quality Management Systems including ISO 9001 and quality audits.
Alicia A. Tejada Castellanos
Chief Administrative Officer
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo. She has completed specialization studies related to her professional career, such as: Master in Business Administration, MAE (PUCMM); Postgraduate in Corporate Finance (INTEC); Specialty Project Management (FUNIBER); Trained in Project Management PM4R, Quality Management Systems including ISO 9001 and quality audits.
In addition, she has taken courses in Teaching Qualification of the National School of the Judiciary, Attention and Service to users, Teamwork and Cooperation, Effective Communication and Playful Methodology. Management of tools and web 2.00: Google Apps, Wikis, social networks, Windows, office packages, task manager on the web.
She joined the Judicial Branch on January 17, 2000, and has served as Administrative Assistant of the National School of the Judiciary and Administrative Director of the National School of the Judiciary.
She graduated in Industrial Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC). Subsequently, she completed master's degrees, in Senior Management with a focus on finance, at the same INTEC University, and in Project Management at Isabela I University in Madrid, Spain.
Isnelda R. Guzman
Director of Planning
She graduated in Industrial Engineering from the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC). Subsequently, she completed master's degrees, in Senior Management with a focus on finance, at the same INTEC University, and in Project Management at Isabela I University in Madrid, Spain.
In addition, she has obtained important certifications, including her Digital Consultant degree from the University of Florida. She has also completed specialized studies in strategic thinking, processes, design thinking, time management, obtaining results and innovation and technological judicial management at the University of Champagnat in Argentina.
She has 19 years of experience in public service and has held diplomatic positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In addition, she has served as Head of Organizational Development and Director of Planning and Development in the Senate of the Dominican Republic. She is currently Director of Planning for the Judicial Branch.
Civil Engineer from the National Institute of Exact Sciences (INCE) with certifications in various technical and management areas. He handles technological tools such as AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, ASANA and MS Project. He has 15 years of experience in the construction sector, specializing in the integral management of construction and maintenance projects.
Carlos V. Minyety Sanchez
Director of Physical Infrastructure
Civil Engineer from the National Institute of Exact Sciences (INCE) with certifications in various technical and management areas. He handles technological tools such as AutoCAD, Microsoft Office, ASANA and MS Project. He has 15 years of experience in the construction industry, specializing in the integral management of construction and maintenance projects. Certified as Project Management Professional (PMP), with knowledge in agile methodologies and process management to ensure successful results aligned with institutional objectives.
In addition, he has managed international projects as Site Superintendent Engineer at the Tababela Cargo Center of the Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito, Ecuador, and has practiced as a self-employed Civil Engineer, carrying out a wide variety of construction and remodeling projects.
Throughout his career, he has held key positions as General Services Manager at Empresa Distribuidora de Electricidad del Este and Infrastructure Manager at the Real Estate Registry of the Judicial Power Council.
Currently, he is the Director of Physical Infrastructure of the Judicial Branch, in charge of the proper operation and maintenance of the buildings of the Judicial Branch, as well as the evaluation, planning and execution of projects.
He is a law graduate from Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, where he also obtained a master's degree in Civil Procedure Law.
Ricardo José Noboa Gañán
National Director of Title Registration
He is a law graduate from Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, where he also obtained a master's degree in Civil Procedure Law.
He has completed important international specializations in real estate, commercial and registry matters, among which the following stand out: XI Ibero-American Course on Real Estate Registry Law, given by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and the Association of Registrars of Spain; II Ibero-American Course on Commercial Registry Law, organized by the Association of Registrars of Spain.
He served as national director of the Registry of Titles. He has also studied real estate and registry matters in Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay and Peru.
He has held various positions such as: General Secretary of the Ibero-American Registry Cooperation Network, Coordinator and Manager of the Registry Support Unit, Registry Specialist of the Program for the Consolidation of the Real Estate Jurisdiction, Lawyer of the Legal Management of the Program for the Consolidation of the Real Estate Jurisdiction,
He has lectured internationally on the real estate registry system in the Dominican Republic and its transformation process (Belgium, Mexico, Spain, Colombia, Portugal, Honduras, Uruguay, Argentina and Peru).
Currently, he is the General Administrator of the Real Estate Registry and his duties include: coordinating and carrying out the strategic and operational planning of the Real Estate Registry and overseeing the coordinated work of the bodies that comprise it.
Surveyor, graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, where he served as a monitor of the School of Surveying. He has extensive knowledge in topographic equipment and systems. He is a certified pilot of topography drones.
Ridomil Rojas Ferreyra
National Director of Cadastral Surveys
Surveyor, graduated from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, where he served as a monitor of the School of Surveying. He has extensive knowledge in topographic equipment and systems. He is a certified pilot of topography drones.
In 2008 he joined the Judiciary as a technical reviewer of the support unit for land surveys of the Land Jurisdiction Modernization Program. Then he was appointed as Inspector, in the National Directorate of Cadastral Measurements, until 2013.
In March of the same year, he joined the State Permanent Land Titling Commission, as head of the Cadastral Department, implementing massive titling projects with more than 50 thousand properties regularized during his tenure.
In international scenarios, in 2017 it exchanged experiences with the National Land Authority of Panama, and participated in the Third Conference and Assembly of the Inter-American Network of Cadastre and Property Registry.
In 2018, he presented the Dominican Republic's massive titling experience at the Organization of American States, in Washington D.C, in the framework of the World Bank's 19th Annual Land and Property Conference. He also exchanged experiences with the National Land Agency and the Land Restitution Unit of Colombia.
She is a law graduate (Cum Laude) from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). She holds a Master's Degree in Civil Law and Civil Procedure from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD).
Indhira del Rosario
National Director of the Registry of Titles
She is a law graduate (Cum Laude) from the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM). She holds a Master's Degree in Civil Law and Civil Procedure from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD).
In addition, she is a graduate of the Annual Course on Ibero-American Registry Law (CADRI), organized by the Association of Registrars of Spain and the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; and of the Leadership for Real Estate Registry Management program, taught by BARNA Management School and the National School of the Judiciary.
He has completed studies in electronic registration, organized by the Spanish Cooperation Training Center in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, as well as in topics related to tax law, trusts, commercial companies, among others.
She served as title registrar of the province of Santo Domingo, a role in which she held for four years. Previously, she was registrar of titles of La Vega, coordinator, legal reviewer and registry lawyer of the Registry Support Management of the Real Estate Registry as well as in other areas of the Real Estate Jurisdiction since 2008. She has participated in several projects of the Dirección Nacional de Registro de Títulos.
She is currently the national director of the Registry of Titles of the Real Estate Registry and teaches real estate and registration at the National School of the Judiciary (ENJ) and master's degrees at different national universities.
She is a law graduate from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo and holds a Master's degree in Business Law from the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija in Madrid. Among other studies, he has a specialization in Research Methodology in Social Sciences, from the Instituto de Altos Estudios Universitarios, and a postgraduate degree in Virtual Learning Environments, from Virtual Educa.
Angel Elizandro Brito Pujols
Director of the National School of the Judiciary
She is a law graduate from the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo and holds a Master's degree in Business Law from the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija in Madrid. Among other studies, he has a specialization in Research Methodology in Social Sciences, from the Instituto de Altos Estudios Universitarios, and a postgraduate degree in Virtual Learning Environments, from Virtual Educa.
She joined the National School of the Judiciary in 2006 as a result of her first internship program and in her work in this organ of the Judiciary, she had the opportunity to work at each level of the Education and Training Management and to coordinate the research project.
In 2016 he left ENJ and held other senior positions at the state level.
From May 2019 to date he has served as general director of Administration and Judicial Career.
Law Degree, Catholic University of Santo Domingo. Specialization in Educational Technology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (2009), Master in Educational Management from the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain (2015).
Ellys Coronado Perez
Deputy Director of the National School of the Judiciary
Law Degree, Catholic University of Santo Domingo. Specialization in Educational Technology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (2009), Master in Educational Management from the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain (2015).
Postgraduate Diploma in Human Rights and Fair Trial, Universidad de Chile Law School (2009) and Workshop on Playful Methodologies given by the Spanish international company Marinva (2010).
He joined the National School of the Judiciary in 2005, occupying all positions in the educational area, having as his last position the Management of Education and Training.