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Judicial Branch Logo

Actors of the criminal justice system join efforts to promote the implementation of agreements and other methods of alternative exits. 

Actors of the criminal justice system join efforts to promote the implementation of agreements and other methods of alternative exits. 

The Judiciary, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the National Public Defense Office held the first national negotiation event with the aim of strengthening interoperability between these institutions, optimizing the criminal process, promoting agreements and other methods of alternative exits to speed up judicial cases. The activity was attended by the magistrates ... Read More

Plenary of the SCJ sends for public consultation amendment to the regulations governing the Committee on Ethical Conduct of the Judicial Branch 

The Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice in its session 23-2024 of September 19, 2024 submitted for public consultation the modification of the Regulations governing the Committee on Ethical Behavior of the Judiciary, with the aim of being observed, promoted and that its values and principles are disseminated for a justice increasingly ... Read More

Counselor of the Dominican Judicial Branch calls for action to eradicate gender violence 

PARAGUAY - Judge Bionni Zayas Ledesma, member of the Council of the Judiciary (CPJ) of the Dominican Republic, called for reflection on how to contribute to eradicate gender violence and support victims in their search for justice. Judge Zayas Ledesma made the statement during the 20th Meeting of Women Judges of the Dominican Judicial Council (CPJ).... Read more

Chief Judge Henry Molina stresses importance of judicial transformation to protect rule of law 

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Henry Molina, informed that the Dominican justice system is immersed in a process of profound transformation that seeks to protect the rule of law and "guarantees an up-to-date justice system that respects and promotes the dignity of the people". While delivering the lecture "Justice up to date ... Read More

SCJ judge assures that control of constitutionality and conventionality have been essential in the evolution of the rule of law  

PARAGUAY - Judge María Garabito Ramírez, judge of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), affirmed that the control of constitutionality and conventionality have been essential in the evolution of the rule of law in the Dominican Republic, with rulings that have had a significant impact on society. Among the emblematic rulings ... Read More

SCJ ruling opens possibility of dialogue with Constitutional Court on binding precedent 

The Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), on July 31 of this year, by judgment number SCJ-TS-2024- 01248, established as a criterion the possibility of a dialogue between the Supreme Court of Justice and the Constitutional Court (TC), as long as it does not affect the materiality of the Constitutional Court's rulings, as long as it ... Read more

The Judicial Branch and the National School of the Judiciary launch the Chair of Constitutional Justice 

The Chair of Constitutional Justice is directed at the international level by Dr. Luis María López Guerra, constitutional jurist and former judge of the Constitutional Court of Spain, and the national director is Judge Claudio Aníbal Medrano, coordinator of the judges of the Judicial Department of San Francisco de Macorís (SFM). The Dominican Judiciary and the ... Read More

Non-adversarial dispute resolution mechanisms facilitate access to justice for the population  

The Judiciary implements mediation as a mechanism to resolve conflicts based on the will of the parties and prepares to apply conciliation in the courts with judges trained in these techniques. A total of 234 judges and other actors of the justice system received training in non-conciliation mechanisms and in the use of ... Read more

Plenary of the SCJ puts in public consultation update of the regulations of the Judge for the Execution of Sentences 

The Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) submitted for public consultation the proposed amendment to Regulation No. 296-05 of the Sentence Enforcement Judge and Resolution No. 2087-06, which organizes and regulates the powers of these judges, their activities and the main procedures of the enforcement stage, as provided for in Resolution No. 2087-06, which ... Read More