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Judges Periods 1908-2026

Supreme Court of Justice

Supreme Court Justices 1908-2026

1908-1912Apolinar TejeraFederico Henriquez y Carvajal, President; Manuel de J. Gonzalez Marrero, Alberto Arredondo Miura, Rafael J. Castillo, Mario A. Saviñón, Pablo Baez Lavastida, Armando Pérez Perdomo, Judges; C. Armando Pérez Perdomo, Attorney General; Octavio Landolfi, Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, November 1910, year I No. 1
1912-1916Federico Henriquez y CarvajalFederico Henriquez y Carvajal, President; Manuel de J. Gonzalez Marrero, Alberto Arredondo Miura, Rafael J. Castillo, Mario A. Saviñón, Pablo Baez Lavastida, Armando Pérez Perdomo, Judges; C. Armando Pérez Perdomo, Attorney General; Octavio Landolfi, Secretary General.Judicial Gazette, November 1912, Year III, No. 29
1916-1931Rafael Justino CastilloRafael J. Castillo, President; Augusto A. Jupiter, Judge and 1st Substitute for President; C. Armando Rodriguez, Judge and 2nd Substitute for President; Alberto Arredondo Miura, Eudaldo Troncoso de la Concha, Manuel de J. Gonzalez M., Daniel de Herrera, Lic. José Antonio Jiménez d., and Lic. Emilio Prud`Homme, Judges; Lic. Ramon O. Lovaton, Attorney General of the Republic; Mr. Eugenio A. Alvarez, Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, January 1931, year XVIII, No. 246.
1931-1934José Antonio JimenezJudge and First Substitute for President; Lic. Mario A. Saviñón, Lic. Manuel de Js. Gonzalez M., Lic. Daniel de Herrera, Lic. Pablo Baez Lavastida, Lic. Leoncio Ramos, Judges; Lic. C. Armando Rodríguez, Attorney General; Mr. Eugenio A. Alvarez, Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, January 1934. year XXIII.
1934-1936J. Alcibiades RocaJ. Alcibiades Roca, President; Augusto A. Jupiter, First Substitute for President; Dr. Tulio Franco Franco, Second Substitute for President; C. Armando Rodríguez, Mario A. Saviñon, Nicolás H. Pichardo, Abigail Montas, Judges; Apolinar de Castro Peláez, Attorney General; Eugenio A. Alvarez, Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, January 1936, year XXVI, No. 306.
1936-1938Augusto JupiterAugusto A. Jupiter, President; Miguel Ricardo Roman, First Substitute for President; Dr. Tulio Franco Franco Franco, Second Substitute for President, Armando Rodriguez, Mario A. Saviño, Nicolás Pichardo, Abigail Montas, Judges; Apolinar de Castro Peláez, Attorney General of the Republic; Eugenio A. Alvarez, Secretary.Judicial Bulletin, January 1938, year XXIII, No. 330.
1938-1946Juan Tomas MejiaJuan Tomas Mejia, President; Miguel Ricardo Roman, First Substitute for President; Dr. Tulio Franco Franco, Second Substitute for President; Abigail Montas, Eudaldo Troncoso de la Coneha, Luis Logroño Cohen, Judges; Benigno del Castillo, Attorney General of the Republic; Eugenio A. Alvarez, Secretary.Judicial Bulletin, January 1946, year XXVI, No. 426.
1946-1949Pedro Troncoso SanchezPedro Troncoso Sanchez, President; Juan Tomas Mejia, First Substitute for President; Froilan Tavares Jr., Second Substitute for President; Gustavo A. Diaz, Rafael Castro Rivera, Juan M. Contin, Judges; H. Herrera Billini, Attorney General; Eugenio A. Alvarez, Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, January 1949, Year XXXIX, No. 462.
1949-1961Hipolito Herrera BilliniH. Herrera Billini, President; Francisco Elpidio Beras, First Substitute for President; Juan A. Morel, Second Substitute for President; Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, Manuel A. Amiama, Dr. Manuel D. Berges Chupani, Baron T. Sanchez L., Olegario Helena Guzman, Alfredo Conde Pausas, Judges; Federico A. Cabral Noboa, Attorney General; Mr. Ernesto Curiel Jr., Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, January 1961, year. LI, No. 606.
1962-1963Eduardo Read BarrerasEduardo Read Barreras, President; A. Apolinar Morel, First Substitute for President; Alfredo Conde Pausas, Second Substitute for President; Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, Dr. Manuel D. Berges Chupani, Baron T. Sanchez L., Dr. Guarionex Garcia de Peña, Gregorio Soñe Nolasco, Judges; Dr. E. Antonio Garcia Vásquez, Attorney General; Ernesto Cueriel Jr., Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, September 1962, year LII, No. 626.
1961Manuel AmiamaManuel A. Amiama, President; Francisco Elpidio Beras, First Substitute for President; Alfredo Conde Pausas, Second Substitute for President, Judges; Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, Dr. Manuel D. Berges Chupani, Baron T. Sanchez L., Judges; Olegario Helena Guzman, Attorney General, Gregorio Soñe Nolasco, Ambrosio Alvarez Aybar, Judges; Olegario Helena Guzman, Attorney General, Gregorio Soñe Nolasco, Ambrosio Alvarez Aybar, Judges, Olegario Helena Guzmán, Gregorio Soñe Nolasco, Ambrosio Alvarez Aybar, Judges; Dr. E. Antonio Garcia Vásquez, Attorney General; Mr. Ernesto Curiel Jr., Secretary General and Director of the Judicial Bulletin.Judicial Bulletin, May 1962, year LII, No. 622.
1963Caonabo Fernandez NaranjoDr. Caonabo Fernandez Naranjo, President; Lic. Milciades Duluc C., First Substitute for President; Lic. Heriberto Núñez, Second Substitute for President; Lic. Alfredo Conde Pausas, Dr. Manuel D. Berges Chupani, Dr. Guarionex A. Garcia de Peña, Lic. Luis Gómez Tavarez, Lic. Pedro Maria Cruz and Lic. Rafael Richiez Saviñon, Judges; Lic. Osvaldo B. Soto, Attorney General; Mr. Ernesto Cueriel Jr., Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, September 1963, year LIV, No. 638.
1963-1964Vetilio A. MatosVetilio A. Matos, President; Dr. Manuel D. Berges Chupani, First Substitute for President; Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, Second Substitute for President; Dr. Guarionex A. Garcia de Peña, Luis Gómez Tavarez, Dr. Rafael Richiez Saviñon, Leonte R. Alburquerque C., Lic, Fernando A. Chalas V., Lic. Elpidio Abreu, Judges; Dr. Manuel Rafael Garcia Lizardo, Attorney General; Mr. Ernesto Curiel Jr., Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, June 1964, year LIV, No. 647.
1964-1965Julio A. CuelloJulio A. Cuello, President; Manuel D. Berges Chupani, First Substitute; Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, Second Substitute; Guarionex A. Garcia de Peña, Luis Gómez Tavarez, Rafael Richiez Saviñón, Leonte R. Alburquerque C, Elpidio Abreu, Rogelio Sanchez Tejeda, Judges; Fernando A. Chalas Valdez, Attorney; Ernesto Curiel Jr., Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, July 1964, year LIV, No. 648.
1965-1966Alfredo Conde PausesAlfredo Conde Pausas, President; Dr. Manuel D. Berges Chupani, First Substitute President; Lic. Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, Second Substitute President; Dr. Guarionex A. Garcia de Peña, Lic. Luis Gómez Tavarez, Dr. Rafael Richiez Saviñon, Lic. Pedro Maria Cruz, Lic. Rafael Rincón hijo, Lic. Manfredo A. Moore, Judges; Lic. Gustavo Gomez Ceara, Attorney General; Mr. Ernesto Gómez Ceara, Secretary General.Judicial Bulletin, May 1966, year LVI, No. 666.
1966-1974Manuel Ramón Ruiz TejedaDr. Manuel Ramón Ruiz Tejada, President; Lic. Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, First Substitute for President; Lic. Manuel A. Amiama, Second Substitute for President; Dr. Manuel d. Berges Chupani, Lic. Francisco Elpidio Beras, Lic. Joaquín M. Alvarez Perello, Lic. Juan Bautista Rojas Almanzar, Lic. Jose A. Paniagua, Lic. Manuel A. Richiez Acevedo, Judges; Lic. Fabio Fiallo Cáceres, Attorney General; Mr. Ernesto Curiel Jr., Secretary General and Director of the Judicial Bulletin.Judicial Bulletin, May 1974, year LXIV, No. 762.
1974-1982Nestor Contin AybarNestor Contin Aybar, President; Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, First Substitute for President; Manuel A. Amiama, Second Substitute for President; Francisco Elpidio Beras, Joaquín M. Alvarez Perello, Joaquín M. Alvarez Perello, Juan Bautista Rojas Almanzar, Leonte Alburquerque Castillo, Leonte Alburquerque Castillo, Felipe Osvaldo Perdomo Baez and Felipe Osvaldo Perdomo Baez. Juan Bautista Rojas Almanzar, Lic. Leonte Alburquerque Castillo, Lic. Felipe Osvaldo Perdomo Baez and Dr. Joaquín l. Hernandez espaillat, judges; Dr. Antonio Rosario, Attorney General of the Republic; Mr. Miguel Jacobo F., Secretary General and Director of the Judicial Bulletin.Judicial Bulletin, September 1982, year LXXII, No. 862.
1982-1986Manuel D. Berges ChupaniDr. Manuel Berges Chupani, President; Lic. Fernando Ravelo de la Fuente, First Substitute for President; Dr. Luis Víctor Garcia de Peña, Second Substitute for President; Lic. Leonte Alburquerque Castillo, Dr. Hugo H. Goicoechea S., Dr. Maximo Puello Renville, Dr. Abelardo Herrera Piña, Dr. Gustavo Gomez Ceara, Dr. Jose Jacinto Lora Castro, Judges; Dr. Americo Espinal Hued, Attorney General; Mr. Miguel Jacobo F., Secretary General and Director of the Judicial Bulletin.Judicial Bulletin, June 1986, year LXXV, No. 907.
1986-1990Nestor Contin AybarNestor Contin Aybar, President; Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, First Substitute for President; Leonte R. Alburquerque Castillo, Second Substitute for President; Dr. Maximo Puello Renville, Dr. Abelardo Herrera Piña, Dr. Octavio Piña Valdez, Dr. Federico N. Cuello Lopez, Dr. Rafael Richiez Saviñon, Judges; Lic. Abelardo Herrera Piña, Dr. Octavio Piña Valdez, Lic. Federico N. Cuello Lopez, Dr. Rafael Richiez Saviñon, Judges; Lic. C. Semiramis Olivo de Pichardo, Attorney General; Mr. Miguel Jacobo F., Secretary General and Director of the Judicial Bulletin.Judicial Bulletin, January 1990, year LXXXIII, No. 950.
1990-1997Nestor Contin AybarNestor Contin Aybar, President; Fernando E. Ravelo de la Fuente, First Substitute for President; Dr. Máximo Puello Renville, Second Substitute for President; Leonte R. Alburquerque Castillo, Dr. Octavio Piña Valdez, Federico N. Cuello López, Dr. Francisco Manuel Pellerano, Dr. Amadeo Julian C., Dr. Angel Salvador Goico Morel and Dr. Frank Bienvenido Jimenez Santana, Judges; Dr. Efrain Reyes Duluc and Juan D. Cotes Morales, Attorneys General of the Republic; Miguel Jacobo Jacobo Salvador Goico Morel and Dr. Frank Bienvenido Jimenez Santana, Judges, Dr. Angel Salvador Goico Morel and Dr. Frank Bienvenido Jimenez Santana, Judges; Dr. Efrain Reyes Duluc and Juan D. Cotes Morales, Attorneys General of the Republic; Miguel Jacobo F., Secretary General and Director of the Judicial Bulletin.Judicial Bulletin, January-July 1997, Year 87, No. 1034-1040.
1997-2011Jorge A. Subero IsaJorge a. Subero Isa, President; Rafael Luciano Pichardo, First Substitute President; Eglys Margarita Esmurdoc, Second Substitute President; Hugo Alvarez Valencia, Juan Luperon Vásquez, Margarita A. Tavares, Julio Ibarra Rios, Enilda Reyes Pérez, Dulce Ma. Rodriguez de Goris, Julio Aníbal Suarez, Victor J. Castellanos Estrella, Ana Rosa Berges Dreyfous, Edgar Hernandez Mejia, Dario O. Fernandez Espinal(*), Pedro Romero Confesor(*) and José E. Hernandez Machado(*) Judges; Grimilda Acosta de Subero, Secretary General. Attorneys General of the Republic: Dr. Virgilio Bello Rosa (2000-2003), Dr. Victor Manuel Céspedes (2003-2004); Lic. Francisco Javier T. Dominguez Brito (2004-2006) and Dr. Radhames Jimenez Peña (2006-2011).* Judges selected by the National Judicial Council to fill the vacant positions of Judges: Juan Guilliani Volquez, Julio Genaro Campillo Pérez and Bernardo Fernández Pichardo.
22/12/2011 - 05/04/2019Mariano Germán MejíaMariano Germán Mejía, President; Julio César Castaños, first substitute judge for the president; Miriam Germán Brito, second substitute judge for the president. Esther Agelán Casasnovas, José Alberto Cruceta, Martha Olga García, Sarah Henríquez, Manuel Ramón Herrera Carbuccia, Francisco Jerez Mena, Robert Placencia, Juan Hiroito Reyes, Alejandro Moscoso Segarra and Frank Soto; Víctor José Castellanos, Edgar Hernández and Dulce Rodríguez de Goris. Francisco Ortega Polanco, joined in 2012.
2019-2026Luis Henry Molina PeñaLuis Henry Molina Peña, President; Manuel Ramón Herrera Carbuccia, First Substitute for President; Pilar Jiménez Ortiz, Second Substitute for President; Blas Fernández Gómez; Samuel Arias Arzeno; Justiniano Montero Montero; Napoleón Estévez Lavandier; Vanessa Acosta Peralta; Francisco Jerez Mena; María Garabito Ramírez; Francisco Ortega Polanco; Fran Soto Sánchez; Moisés Ferrer Landrón; Manuel Read Ortiz; Rafael Vásquez Goico; Anselmo Bello Ferreras and Nancy Salcedo Fernández; César José García Lucas, Secretary General.