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Judicial Branch held conference on Juan Pablo Duarte and the revolutionary theater on the occasion of his birthday. 

Judicial Branch held conference on Juan Pablo Duarte and the revolutionary theater on the occasion of his birthday. 

On the occasion of the birthday of the patrician Juan Pablo Duarte, the Judiciary presented the master conference "La Dramática: el teatro revolucionario de Juan Pablo Duarte", given by playwright and theater director Giovanny Cruz. The conference took place this Friday, January 27 in the Auditorium of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Dominican Republic... Read more

SCJ Judge explains novelties of the Cassation Procedure Law 

The judge of the First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Magistrate Napoleon Ricardo Estevez Lavandier, explained the novelties of Law No. 2-23 on Cassation procedure which he assures makes this process more expeditious. While speaking at the virtual conference "The New Technique of the Dominican Cassation", coordinated by the Dominican Supreme Court School of Justice, he ... Read More

Superior Administrative Court decides more than 10,800 cases in the last two years 

The cases resolved in the TSA represent double the number of those made in the years 2014 to 2020, period in which that jurisdiction issued 4,909 decisions. The president of the Superior Administrative Court (TSA), magistrate Diomede Villalona Guerrero, reported that during the year 2022 that court gave out 10,802 cases, thus continuing with the plan of ... Read More

Third Chamber of the SCJ establishes criteria on the principle of preservation of administrative acts 

The Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) endorsed the criterion that the partial invalidity of administrative acts may be declared when the defects found do not alter or affect the part of the act that is considered valid. The decision in tax litigation matters is contained in judgment No. SCJ-TS-22-0429 ... Read More

Non-dispossessory pledge and late declarations are removed from court 

These regulations contribute to the strategy of the Judiciary to simplify processes that by their nature do not need to go to court, slow down their solution, increase the number of proceedings and raise the costs to be borne by the citizens and the State. The Magistrates' Courts will no longer be in charge of the registration of contracts ... Read More

Judicial Branch appreciates enactment of law on cassation proceedings 

The Judicial Power valued the promulgation by the Executive Power of Law No. 02-23 which regulates the cassation procedure to hear appeals filed in civil and commercial, labor, real estate, administrative and tax litigation matters. With the recently enacted law, the Court of Cassation, in exceptional cases, will be able to hear appeals ... Read More

Judicial Branch to expand new Case Management System 

The system consists of a technological infrastructure that allows to know online the cases assigned to each judge, as well as to automate multiple court tasks. The Dominican Judiciary will extend its Case Management System (SGC) in the criminal and real estate jurisdictions, an initiative that is already being implemented and automates the operations of the court, as well as ... Read more

SCJ establishes law does not require judges to grant conditional suspension of sentences 

The Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice reaffirmed that, even if the requirements of the law are met, the judge may not imperatively impose the granting of a conditional suspension of the sentence. The jurisprudential criterion, contained in sentence No. SCJ-SS-22-0579, states that it is still the judge's power to grant a conditional suspension ... Read more

Judicial Branch publishes main rulings of the Supreme Court of Justice for 2022  

The Dominican Judicial Branch announced the availability of the main rulings issued by the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) during the past year 2022 that set a jurisprudential criterion and have a relevant social impact, both for the legal community and for the general public. With the publication compiled on a quarterly basis, the Supreme Court ... Read More

On Judiciary Day, priest urges judges to maintain impartiality and independence 

As part of the commemoration of the Judiciary Day, the Red Mass was celebrated at the Cathedral Santa María de la Encarnación, officiated by Monsignor Cecilio Raúl Berzosa Martínez, missionary bishop of the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo, who in his homily exhorted the judges to maintain an impartial and impartial justice, as well as to ... Read more