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Judicial Branch holds international seminar "Challenges of Judicial Communication in the 21st Century". 

Judicial Branch holds international seminar "Challenges of Judicial Communication in the 21st Century". 

The Judicial Branch held the international seminar "Challenges of Judicial Communication in the 21st Century", aimed at journalists, opinion leaders, academics, lawyers and judges, with the objective of providing a space for discussion that contributes to enhance the topic from the perspective of the different actors related to the justice system.During the seminar, held in coordination with ... Read More

SCJ recognizes decisions establishing extinction of criminal action may be appealed on appeal 

The Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice maintains the criterion that the decisions declaring the extinction of the criminal action, based on the statute of limitations, the abandonment of the accusation, among other causes of similar consequence, must be understood as susceptible to be appealed, as established in articles 416 and 417 of the Constitution, and ... Read More

Judicial Branch publishes Protocol of Action against Violence, Discrimination and Sexual and Labor Harassment 

The Judiciary published this Friday the Protocol of Action in Cases of Violence, Discrimination and Harassment of the institution, an instrument designed to promote a healthy environment, free of harassment, discrimination and sexual and/or labor harassment, through the application of preventive measures and a system of consequences. The Protocol was presented this ... Read More

The Plenary of the SCJ puts in public consultation the General Regulation on Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and Guidelines for Referral of Cases in the Dominican Republic.

Dispute resolution regulations

The Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice invites the general public to participate in the public consultation process on the proposed General Regulations on Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms and the Guide for the Referral of Cases in the Dominican Republic, both of which have the fundamental objective of increasing the number of alternative dispute resolution ... Read More

SCJ Judge says it is imperative to approve new Cassation Law for more timely justice 

Judge Napoleón Estévez Lavandier highlighted that the new conformation of the SCJ managed to reduce the number of pending files of the Civil Chamber from 11,654 to only 708. Judge Napoleón Estévez Lavandier, judge of the First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, stated that it is imperative for the civil justice system to be able to resolve the ... Read more

SCJ confirms parents can exclude from inheritance children who commit physical or emotional abuse against them 

The First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) established that exclusion from inheritance due to unworthiness or disinheritance constitutes a civil sanction that entails the deprivation of the right to inheritance of the person sanctioned. It points out that Article 727 of the Civil Code provides that they may be declared unworthy of inheritance, and as such ... Read More

President of the SCJ highlights constitutionalization of the law for the protection of guarantees 

The Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice honored those who first promoted a constitutional justice in the Dominican Republic, during the celebration of the XXVIII hearing for the swearing in of 276 new lawyers The President of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) Luis Henry Molina Peña, stressed that the Dominican doctrine ... Read More

SCJ and the Academy of Sciences circulate works on Labor Law 

The Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) and the Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic released the books "El Referimiento Laboral: Doctrina, Legislación y Jurisprudencia 1998-2021; y "Estudios de Derecho Constitucional del Trabajo", authored by Justice Manuel Ramón Herrera Carbuccia, First Substitute of President and judge of the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Dominican Republic ... Read more

President of the SCJ says Judicial Branch modernizes with solid digital structure  

The president of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Magistrate Luis Henry Molina Peña, informed that the Judicial Power is modernizing with a solid digital infrastructure at national level according to the new times, which will contribute to provide a more reliable, transparent and timely service to the population. The also president of the Council of the Judiciary ... Read more

SCJ reaffirms criteria that obliges the employer to enroll the worker in the Social Security system  

The Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice reaffirmed the criterion that obliges all employers to register and enroll all personnel in the social security system, regardless of the nature or modality of the employment contract. The jurisprudential criterion is contained in judgment No. SCJ-TS-22-0667, dated July 29, 2007, which ... Read More