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Plenary of the SCJ swears in 3,474 new legal professionals 

Plenary of the SCJ swears in 3,474 new legal professionals 

At the hearing, Justice Luis Henry Molina Peña affirmed that judicial independence is only possible by embracing procedural and legal rules, as well as due process. The Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) swore in 3,474 legal professionals in a hearing held both in person and virtually, in which they were sworn in as members of the Supreme ... Read More

SCJ changes criterion on the imprescriptibility of the action in matrimonial partition in registered properties 

The Chambers of the Supreme Court of Justice have assumed as a jurisprudential position that, if after the publication of the divorce decree one of the parties does not file for partition within the two-year period established in Article 815 of the Civil Code, it is presumed that the partition is produced to ... Read More

President of the SCJ assures that justice is being transformed to anticipate social changes 

The president of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Justice Luis Henry Molina Peña, said that justice is the fundamental pillar of the rule of law that guarantees the proper functioning of institutions and productive sectors of the country, so the judicial system is being transformed to anticipate social changes ... Read More

The Judicial Branch and the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo will promote joint academic projects 

Representatives of the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD) and the Dominican Judicial Branch held a working meeting with the purpose of promoting the consolidation of institutional relations, resuming collaboration spaces, exploring new areas of support and generating a joint work agenda. The meeting was attended by the dean of the Dominican ... Read More

Judges of the Spanish Supreme Court share with Dominican judges experience in the application of cassation interest  

The visit of the Spanish magistrates takes place on the occasion of the recent promulgation in the Dominican Republic of the new Law 2-23 on Appeal for Cassation, and the actions that are contemplated within the implementation plan for the application of the referred law.Judges of the Supreme Court of Spain share during this week their views on the ... Read More

Strategic Committee of the Judiciary Branch learns about the plan for the implementation of the Law on the Use of Digital Media 

The Strategic Committee for the implementation of Law No. 339-22, which enables the Use of Digital Media in the Judiciary was informed of the plan concerning virtual hearings and the digital access platform, which has been under development since November 2022, based on the regulatory order that regulates the use of digital media in the Judiciary... Read more

SCJ expresses criteria for disciplinary offenses committed by judges 

The Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice expressed its opinion that the disciplinary regime has the objective of contributing to the loyal, efficient and honest fulfillment by judges of their duties and responsibilities, in order to maintain the best performance of the Judiciary, ensuring an adequate and correct exercise of the rights and prerogatives of the judiciary, as well as ... Read more

President of the SCJ describes legal certainty as fundamental for socioeconomic development   

    Luis Henry Molina Peña made the statement during a meeting to update the General Regulations of the Courts of Real Estate Jurisdiction, Registration of Titles, Cadastral Measurements and Regulations for the Regularization of Parcels and Demarcation.The President of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Justice Luis Henry Molina Peña, said that the legal security of the courts of real estate jurisdiction, the ... Read More

President of the SCJ assures full inclusion of women is required to achieve 21st century justice 

In the Judiciary, 62% of the population are women, and of the total number of people who administer justice, 60.47% are female judges. The President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Magistrate Luis Henry Molina Peña, assured that the justice of the XXI century will only be achieved if it is achieved that women prevail in ... Read More