The structure of the Judicial Branch is regulated by a normative framework that provides for its operation and creates the regulations for its performance. Among these provisions are:
1 - Constitution of the Republic, proclaimed on June 13, 2015.1 PDF file(s) 359 KB
2 - Judicial Organization Law No. 821 and its amendments, dated November 21, 1927.1 PDF file(s) 728 KB
3 -Law No. 25-91, which creates the Organic Law of the Supreme Court of Justice, of October 15, 1991.1 PDF file(s) 82 KB
4 - Law No. 46-97, which grants administrative and budgetary autonomy to the Judicial Branch, dated February 18, 1997.1 PDF file(s) 15 KB
5 - Law No. 327-98, on the Judicial Career and its implementing regulations, of August 1998.1 PDF file(s) 452 KB
6 - Law No. 194-04, which establishes the budgetary amount of the Judicial Branch, dated August 12, 2004.1 PDF file(s) 21 KB
7 - Law No. 108-05, of May 23, 2005, on Real Estate Registry and its amendments.1 PDF file(s) 487 KB
8 - Law No. 13-07, which creates the Contentious Administrative Tax Court, as amended, dated February 5, 2007. 1 PDF file(s) 96.3 KB
9 -Law No. 28-11, Organic Law of the Judicial Power Council, dated January twenty (20) of the year two thousand and eleven (2011).1 PDF file(s) 15 KB
10 - Law No. 137-11, Organic Law of the Constitutional Court and Constitutional Procedures, of June 15, 2011.1 PDF file(s) 225 KB
11- Law No. 138-11, Organic Law of the National Council of the Judiciary, of June 21, 2011.1 PDF file(s) 63 KB
12 - Law No. 242-11, which amends Law No. 25-91 of October 15, 1991, Organic Law of the Supreme Court of Justice, as amended by Law No. 156-97 of July 10, 1997, of September 21, 2011.1 PDF file(s) 17 KB
13 - Law No. 107-13, on the Rights of Persons in their relations with the administration and on administrative procedure, dated August 8, 2013.1 PDF file(s) 206 KB
14 - Law No. 140-15, of the Notary that Institutes the Dominican College of Notaries, of August 7, 2015.1 PDF file(s) 275 KB
15 - Law No. 141-15, on Restructuring and Liquidation of Companies and Individuals Traders,dated August 7, 2015.1 PDF file(s) 479 KB
16. Law No. 167-21 on Regulatory Improvement and Simplification of Procedures, of August 9, 2021. 1 PDF file(s) 344 KB
17. Law No. 339-22 that enables and regulates the use of digital media for the process. 1 PDF file(s) 347 KB
18. Law 2-23 on Appeal in Cassation. Modifies Articles 640 and 641 of Law No. 16-92 of 1992, which approves the Labor Code and repeals Law No. 3726 of 1953, on Cassation Procedure, as well as Law No. 491-08 of 2008, which modified Articles 5, 12 and 20 of said Law No. 3726 of 1953, modified by Law No. 846 of 1978, of January 17, 2023. 1 PDF file(s) 8854 KB
19. Law No. 4-23, Organic of the Acts of Civil Status, of January 18, 2023. 1 PDF file(s) 2190 KB
Judicial Council
1 - Constitution of the Republic, proclaimed on June 13, 2015.1 PDF file(s) 359 KB.
- 2 - Law No. 10-04 of the Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican Republic, dated January twentieth (20) of the year two thousand and four (2004).
1 PDF file(s) 728 KB- 3 - Law No. 340-06 on Procurement and Contracting with Amendments to Law No. 449-06, dated December six (6) of the year two thousand six (2006); 4- Law No. 10-07 which institutes the National System of Internal Control and the Comptroller General of the Republic, dated January eight (8) of the year two thousand seven (2007); 5- Law No. 28-11, organic of the Judicial Power Council, dated January twenty (20) of the year two thousand eleven (2011).
1 PDF file(s) 82 KB- 4 - Law No. 10-07 which institutes the National System of Internal Control and the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, dated January eight (8) of the year two thousand seven (2007);.
1 PDF file(s) 15 KB- 5 -Law No. 28-11, Organic Law of the Judicial Power Council, dated January twenty (20) of the year two thousand and eleven (2011);.
1 PDF file(s) 15 KB- 6 - Law No. 311-14 which institutes the National Authorized and Uniform System of Sworn Statements of Assets of Public Officials and Servants, dated August eight (8) of the year two thousand fourteen (2014).
1 PDF file(s) 15 KB- 7. Law No. 339-22 that enables and regulates the use of digital media for the process.
1 PDF file(s) 479 KB - 2 - Law No. 10-04 of the Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican Republic, dated January twentieth (20) of the year two thousand and four (2004).
Codes of the Republic:
Civil Code.1 PDF file(s) 982 KB
Labor Code.1 PDF file(s) 643 KB
Code of Commerce.1 PDF file(s) 378 KB
Monetary and Financial Code.1 PDF file(s) 599 KB
Tax Code.1 PDF file(s) 631 KB
Code for the System of Protection and Fundamental Rights of Children and Adolescents.1 PDF file(s) 730 KB
Penal Code.1 PDF file(s) 687 KB
Code of Criminal Procedure.1 PDF file(s) 606 KB
Code of Civil Procedure.1 PDF file(s) 678 KB