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Dominican Judicial Branch reaffirms its commitment to the prevention of child abuse 

Dominican Judicial Branch reaffirms its commitment to the prevention of child abuse 

The director of Inclusive Justice of the Dominican Judiciary, Rosa Iris Linares, advocated on Friday for the strengthening of alliances that seek to implement actions, projects and programs aimed at preventing violence against minors. In her motivational speech, on the occasion of the month of prevention of violence against minors, she ... Read more

Actors in the justice system coordinate efforts to improve the criminal process criminal process 

Representatives of the Judiciary, the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Public Defender's Office held the first session of the year of the National Inter-institutional Coordination Board, in which they agreed on a joint training plan for the optimization of the criminal process and the creation of the technical group of interoperability, as indispensable elements for the improvement of the criminal justice system... Read More

First Conference on Criminal Mediation held in the Judicial Department of Santiago 

The Judicial Department of Santiago organized the first Conversatory on Criminal Mediation, with the objective of analyzing the importance of establishing alternative methods of conflict resolution and begin to build a culture of peace. The words of welcome were pronounced by the coordinating judge of that jurisdiction, Juan Aníbal Rodríguez, who considered that due to the ... Read More

Women judges in Ibero-America commit to protect the right to care as a common good of humanity to be protected by the State 

The XIX Meeting of Women Judges of the Highest Judiciary Bodies of Ibero-America concluded with the signing of the Declaration of Buenos Aires, "For a Gender Justice: Justice and Care with Co-responsibility", in which they commit themselves to assume the responsibility of protecting the right to care as a common good of the Ibero-American ... Read more

SCJ establishes that the Constitutional Court may pursue enforcement of its own rulings because they are definitive 

The Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice established that it corresponds to the Constitutional Court the execution of its own decisions, as provided in Article 9 of Law No. 137-11, Organic Law of the Constitutional Court. In its decision number SCJ-TS-23-0047, dated January 31, 2023, the Third Chamber of the SCJ established that it is incumbent upon the Constitutional ... Read More

Judges, judges and judicial servants socialize Spokesperson Program and challenges of Judicial Communication 

In order to ensure that the information and messages of the Dominican Judicial Branch reach the different sectors of the country with greater clarity, and to continue strengthening the confidence of society in the justice system, judges and judicial servants socialized this Friday on the challenges and characteristics of the Spokespersons Program of the Judicial Branch of the ... Read More

Dominican Supreme Court Justices and Judicial Branch advisors participate in meeting of women magistrates in Argentina 

Judges of the Supreme Court of Justice and counselors of the Dominican Judiciary participate in the XIX Meeting of Women Judges of the Highest Judiciary Bodies of Iberoamerica: Right to Care and Social Co-responsibility, for a gender justice, an event that takes place in Buenos Aires, Argentina, with the purpose of reflecting on the right to care and ... Read more

President of the SCJ says Dr. Adriano Miguel Tejada Chair of Justice and Communication will strengthen confidence in judicial decisions  

The President of the Supreme Court of Justice and of the Council of the Judiciary, Luis Henry Molina Peña, assured that the new "Dr. Adriano Miguel Tejada Chair of Justice and Communication" to be taught by the National School of the Judiciary will become a reference for lawyers, judges, academics and communicators. While delivering the keynote address during the ceremony, Mr. Tejada ... Read More

Judiciary Branch of the Judiciary socializes proposed Regulations for Non-Adversarial Dispute Resolution Mechanisms 

The Dominican Judiciary held the socialization of the Regulation of Non-Adversarial Dispute Resolution Mechanisms with members of the legal community and academia in order to enrich this instrument, which will be presented to the Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) for its approval. The welcoming remarks at the socialization workshop ... Read More

Criminal Chamber of the SCJ establishes that evidentiary evaluation is a power of the judges at the trial stage. 

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) endorsed the criterion that it is not the competence of the court of appeal or cassation to make evidentiary assessment, a power that corresponds to the judges at the trial stage. By means of sentence No. SCJ-SS-23-0072, dated January 31, 2023, the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), ... Read More