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Centers conducted 518 forensic interviews in the first quarter of the year

Centers conducted 518 forensic interviews in the first quarter of the year

During the first quarter of the year 2022, the forensic interview centers of the Judiciary conducted a total of 518 interviews to victims and witnesses in vulnerable conditions. The information was shared by Magistrate Juan Sabino Ramos, president of the Court of Appeals for Children and Adolescents, while participating in the conference: "Right to integrity ... Read More

Judge Herrera Carbuccia says access to labor justice means guarantee of social rights

Justice Manuel Ramón Herrera Carbuccia, First Substitute Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice and member judge of the Third Chamber of the SCJ, affirmed that access to labor justice means opportunity, guarantee and security of social rights and advocated that the fundamental labor rights can be effective, and that the ... Read More

Judicial Branch and Superior Electoral Tribunal sign agreement to develop actions for institutional strengthening

The Judicial Power and the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) signed an inter-institutional collaboration agreement with the objective of establishing a general framework of cooperation to develop initiatives of common interest framed in educational programs in order to strengthen the competencies, abilities and skills of both institutions. The agreement was signed by Magistrate Ygnacio ... Read more

Magistrate Martha Díaz Villafaña highlights in Cuba the contributions of the Dominican Judicial Branch in the area of gender equality

Judge Martha Díaz Villafaña, presiding judge of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Court of Appeals of San Francisco de Macorís, highlighted the contributions of the Dominican Judiciary in terms of gender equality during her participation in the panel "Gender and Justice: a necessary binomial", held during the X International Meeting of Justice and Justice in the Dominican Republic, which ... Read more

Delegation of the Dominican Judicial Branch participated in the X International Meeting Justice and Law 2022

A delegation of the Dominican Judicial Branch participated in the X International Meeting Justice and Law 2022 held in Havana, Cuba, with the fundamental objective of promoting debate, reflection and the exchange of experiences among the operators of the judicial systems of the participating countries. The Dominican delegation was chaired by Magistrate Manuel Herrera ... Read More

SCJ Judge affirms that the Judiciary promotes initiatives in favor of persons deprived of liberty

The Judge of the Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Maria Garabito Ramirez said that the Judiciary is promoting initiatives in favor of people who are serving or have served a sentence, with a view to improving the conditions of this vulnerable population, such as the elderly, people with disabilities and people with disabilities, who ... Read More

Magistrate Juan Aníbal Rodríguez says Justice a Day is the great commitment of the Judicial Branch

The Judicial Department of Santiago held a meeting with businessmen, lawyers and university professors of the Northern region of the country, with the purpose of orienting the different communities about the commitment assumed by the Judicial Power on the theme "Justice a Day", which has as its purpose to guarantee the dignity of the people. The activity ... Read more

President of the SCJ requests support from the presidents of the TC and TSE for approval of the project for the use of digital media

The president of the SCJ, Luis Henry Molina Peña, requested the support of magistrates Milton Ray Guevara and Ygnacio Camacho, presidents of the Constitutional Court and Superior Electoral Court, respectively, for the approval of the bill on the use of digital media that is currently before the National Congress, defining this law as necessary to address the problems of the digital media ... Read More