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Operational Plans

Supreme Court of Justice

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Plan Contra la Mora Judicial 2024-2026

La meta trazada para 2024, tal como expresó el magistrado presidente en su discurso del Día del Poder Judicial, es no tener casos pendientes con más de seis meses. El Plan Contra la Mora Judicial 2024-2026 pretende actualizar el plan de 2020, evaluando las incidencias, logros obtenidos y estableciendo nuevas metas. Entre ellas, se incluyen objetivos individuales para los jueces y la Secretaría General, con el fin de garantizar una justicia más oportuna y eficiente, en pleno cumplimiento de las normativas vigentes.

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Anti Judicial Delinquency Plan 2023

It is a reality that the delay in resolving conflicts degenerates into what is known as judicial delay, which is the most unfavorable situation that can affect justice systems, as pointed out by Lucius Annaeus Seneca in the phrase commonly attributed to him: "nothing resembles injustice so much as delayed justice".

" See attached file (PDF) 2.6 MB:
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Anti Judicial Delinquency Plan 2022

According to the Constitution of the Republic, the State has the obligation to administer justice on behalf of the Republic through the judicial function exercised by the constitutional bodies that make up one of its powers: the Judiciary. This judicial function consists of deciding on conflicts between individuals or legal entities, in private or public law, in all types of processes, judging and enforcing what has been judged. This function must be exercised in a timely manner, in order to guarantee the rights of individuals to obtain effective judicial protection with respect for due process, which is only possible with accessible, free and timely justice.

" See attached file (PDF) 2.6 MB:
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Plan for the Eradication of Judicial Delinquency

Within the framework of the VII Ibero-American Judicial Summit, held in Mexico in 2002, the Declaration of Cancun was issued, in which judicial delay was defined as "the failure to meet deadlines or the delay with respect to the reasonable duration of any process until its conclusion", and therefore, it "constitutes a fundamental objective of eradication in order to achieve prompt and effective justice".

"See attached file (PDF) 10 MB: