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President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama visits DR to learn about the Judicial Branch's experience with technological transformation

About the Judiciary

A delegation headed by the President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, Justice María Eugenia López Arias, visited the Dominican Judicial Branch to learn about best practices in the implementation of technological tools and the transformation being developed by this branch of government.

The President of the Supreme Court of Panama, Justice María Eugenia López Arias, together with a delegation of judges and officials of that high court, on an official visit to her counterpart of the Dominican Supreme Court of Justice, Luis Henry Molina Peña, received information on the institutional perspective and the Justice Vision Plan 20/24, which includes the strategic axes, Justice for all, Timely Judicial Service y Efficient Judicial Service and Integrity for a Reliable Justice.

In addition, he was was also presented the vision of the Judiciary "Justice up to date to guarantee people's dignity".Justice up to date to guarantee the dignity of people"., as well as the progress of the institution. At meeting, also participated judges of the Supreme Court of Justice, members of the Judicial Power Council, departmental coordinators and magistrates of courts of appeal.

The Panamanian delegation includes, in addition to Judge María Eugenia López Arias, Judges Olmedo Arrocha Osorio, Vice President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama and President of the First Civil Chamber of the aforementioned high court, and María Cristina Chen Stanziola, of the Third Administrative and Labor Disputes Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama.

In addition, they are accompanied by personnel from the technical team of the Supreme Court of Justice of that nation and the advisor of the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Assistance Office (INL) of the U.S. Embassy in Panama.

In the meeting with the president of the SCJ and the CPJ, Luis Henry Molina Peña, was attended by the presiding judges of the Chambers, magistrate, Pilar Jiménez Ortiz, president of the First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice and Second Substitute for president and Manuel Alexis Read Ortiz, president of the Third Chamber of the SCJ.

The agenda of the Panamanian delegation includes a meeting with representatives of the General Technical Directorate, the General Directorate of Administration and Judicial Career and the National School of the Judiciary, in order to learn about the process of the technological modernization plan implemented by the Judiciary, as well as the competitive examinations for admission to the Judicial Career and training programs for aspiring judges.

This visit is part of the Transparency Project linked to the publication of rulings by means of artificial intelligence in macro-criminal cases issued by the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama, an initiative sponsored by the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Assistance Office (INL) - U.S. Embassy. International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Assistance (INL) - U.S. Embassy.

1 comment on "President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama visits the DR to learn about the Judicial Branch's experience with technological transformation".

  1. The homologation between the countries seems fine to me, but they should make agreements so that Panamanian and Dominican jurists have the opportunity to provide services in both countries, the observation remains as a way of observation and consideration of both countries.


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