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Plenary SCJ establishes new procedures for the suspension of execution of labor sentences

Plenary SCJ establishes new procedures for the suspension of execution of labor sentences

Plenary SCJ establishes new procedures for the suspension of execution of labor sentences

Resolution No. 91-2021 grants a term of 15 days to the appellant to notify the opposing party of the suspension of the claim on pain of inadmissibility. SANTO DOMINGO (DR) - The Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) modified the resolution that establishes the procedure for the suspension of the execution of the sentence and grants a term of 15 days to the appellant for the notification of the claim in suspension to the opposing party on pain of inadmissibility.

Escuela Judicatura launches second edition of "Constitutionalization of Criminal Procedure".

Escuela Judicatura launches second edition of "Constitutionalization of Criminal Procedure".

The National School of the Judiciary (ENJ) launched the second edition of the book "Constitucionalización del Proceso Penal", which consists of 13 chapters developed in co-authorship with 11 outstanding authors of the Ibero-American judicial field and which will be available in digital format free of charge through the ENJ Virtual Library. During the presentation of the book, held as a posthumous tribute to Judge Altagracia Norma Bautista, who was an important part of the work of ... Read More

SCJ establishes that the Public Prosecutor's Office has the power to file paternity denial lawsuits

By judgment No. 1464/2021 of the First Chamber of this High Court, it is established that the Public Prosecutor's Office may file a lawsuit in ignorance of paternity when it identifies that the welfare of the minor is in danger. SANTO DOMINGO (DR) - The First Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) established by judgment No. 1464/2021, dated May 26, 2021, that the Public Prosecutor's Office has the right to file a ... Read more

Judicial Branch has vaccinated 62.89% of its personnel and maintains Covid-19 prevention protocol.

From the moment the presence of COVID-19 was announced in the country, the Judiciary established a prevention, monitoring and assistance plan for employees, which included the identification and sending home of vulnerable personnel due to health preconditions, vaccination against influenza and massive orientation through the channels of the Judicial Branch, as well as ... Read more

CPJ orders the provisional publication of the Judicial Classification of Judicial Officers

The Council of the Judiciary in its ordinary session 021-2021 of today, decided that this June 18 the Judicial Scale will be provisionally published; so that judges can know, review, observe and make proposals for corrections or modifications to the instrument within a period of two weeks. Once this period has elapsed, ... Read more