The Judicial Council shall have disciplinary control over judges, officials and employees of the Judicial Branch with the exception of the members of the Supreme Court of Justice, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 28-11, Organic Law of the Judicial Council.
The disciplinary regime has the following objectives:
- To contribute to the loyal, efficient and honest fulfillment by judges of their duties and responsibilities, in order to maintain the best performance of the Judicial Branch.
- To ensure the proper and correct exercise of the rights and prerogatives granted to judges.
- To ensure that disciplinary offenses are judged and sanctioned according to their seriousness and based on strict criteria of legality, equity and objectivity.
This disciplinary power consists of the control of the observance of the Constitution, laws, regulations, instructions and other rules in force, and the application of sanctions in case of violation thereof. These sanctions may be reprimand, suspension or dismissal.
Judges of the judicial order incur in disciplinary offenses if they fail to comply with their duties and the established work rules, if they exercise incorrectly or in a deviant manner their rights and prerogatives, if they disregard the legitimate orders of their hierarchical superiors or incur in any of the causes for disciplinary sanctions provided in Law No. 327-98 of the Judicial Career and its regulations or in the violation of other provisions on the matter, issued by competent authorities.
Judges who, in the exercise of their functions, commit misconduct or fail to comply with their duties and with the established rules, shall be administratively liable and punished accordingly, without prejudice to other civil, criminal or other liabilities resulting from the same acts or omissions.
According to the seriousness of the offenses, the competent authorities under the terms of this law may impose the following sanctions:
1) Oral reprimand;
2) Written warning;
3) Suspension without pay, for a period of up to thirty (30) days;
4) Dismissal.