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Criminal Chamber of SCJ determines that coercive measures may vary or cease when their objective is achieved  

Criminal Chamber of SCJ determines that coercive measures may vary or cease when their objective is achieved  

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice endorsed the jurisprudential criterion on the characteristics of coercive measures, which are provisional and imply that they will be used to fulfill a particular objective, and that they must vary or cease when circumstances change, or when the purpose for which they are intended ceases to be achieved, as well as when ... Read more

Judges of the Third Chamber of the SCJ exchange best practices on appeal with their peers of the Spanish Supreme Court 

MADRID, Spain. - The judges of the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) of the Dominican Republic met with their counterparts of the Supreme Court of Spain for the purpose of exchanging best practices on the admission of cassation appeals and the interest of appeal. The delegation, which ... Read more

SCJ President Henry Molina hopes aspiring judges can honorably carry the dignity of acting on behalf of the Republic. 

The president of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Magistrate Henry Molina, said Thursday that the new class of aspiring judges entering the National School of the Judiciary (ENJ) must be prepared to face the current challenges, adapt to the changing dynamics of the present and be in tune with the new challenges of ... Read More

Delegation of the Honduran Judicial Branch visits the DR to exchange best practices and judicial transformation  

A delegation of judges and judicial officials from the Judicial Branch of Honduras are on an official visit to the country to learn about the progress of the Dominican Judicial Branch, including the process of digital transformation and the Law on the Use of Digital Media, the experience of the implementation of the Dominican Judicial Seal, the ... Read More

TSA Chambers issue 1,607 rulings in last three months 

The president of the Superior Administrative Court, Magistrate Diomede Villalona, reported that the presidency and the five chambers that compose it issued in the last three months a total of 1,607 sentences. He said that this effort of the TSA is a sign of the continuity of the Justice a Day initiative to ensure the dignity of the citizens of the Dominican Republic... Read More

SCJ Secretary General stresses the importance of administrative sanctioning law in the construction of a fairer society 

PANAMA CITY, Panama - The Secretary General of the Supreme Court of Justice in Panama highlighted the importance of administrative sanctioning law in the construction of a more just society in pursuit of the Social and Democratic Rule of Law, during his participation in the "Congress on Contentious Administrative Law: a look at its beginnings, its current situation, and its ... Read more

Judge of the Supreme Court of Spain welcomes commitment to interoperability among the actors of the Criminal Justice System in the DR 

Justice Javier Hernandez Garcia, judge of the Supreme Court of Spain, said that the Dominican criminal procedure model is, normatively, a product that well used allows to obtain an effective, objective and efficient response, but requires a strong commitment to coordination and interoperability among the actors of the system. In this sense, the European expert considered ... Read More

Judiciary and USAID present General Regulations on Non-Adversarial Dispute Resolution Mechanisms  

The Judicial Branch and the Government of the United States through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), released on Tuesday the General Regulations on Non-Adversarial Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in the Dominican Republic and the guide for the referral of judicial cases. The regulation aims to establish the minimum standards for the implementation and use of non-adversarial dispute resolution mechanisms in the Dominican ... Read More

SCJ reaffirms criteria establishing the right to banking secrecy and personal privacy 

The Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice reaffirmed the criterion that establishes that one of the rules of banking and financial activity is confidentiality and banking secrecy, so that negotiations and transactions carried out by financial intermediaries may not be disclosed to third parties, except in cases of confidentiality and banking secrecy, and ... Read More

Third Chamber of the SCJ establishes jurisprudence on astreinte liquidation 

The Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) endorsed the criterion that it is the power of the judge empowered to liquidate an astreinte (financial compensation), reduce it or even eliminate it, as long as the reasons for his decision are stated, exposing the justifications based on fact or law of the decision issued. The jurisprudential criterion is ... Read more