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Judicial Branch Logo

Sacerdote exhorta a jueces seguir trabajando para mantener una justicia “fuerte, independiente y laboriosa” 

Sacerdote exhorta a jueces seguir trabajando para mantener una justicia “fuerte, independiente y laboriosa” 

La Misa Roja fue oficiada en la Catedral Primada de América como parte de los actos conmemorativos del Día del Poder Judicial. Posteriormente, se realizó una ofrenda floral a los padres fundadores de la nación en el Altar de la Patria   El vicario episcopal de la Pastoral Social, sacerdote Abraham Apolinario, exhortó a los … Leer más

Poder Judicial y Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura premian ganadores primera edición concurso periodístico “Comunicación Judicial”  

Los dos primeros lugares en la categoría Prensa Escrita y Audiovisual lo ganaron los jóvenes periodistas Jesús Vásquez y Jonan González, de los medios Diario Libre y Cadena de Noticias, quienes expresaron su satisfacción al aportar con escritos al sistema de Justicia del país  El presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia (SCJ), Henry Molina, … Leer más

Judge Justiniano Montero assures that people must be educated about the moral importance of public service 

Judge Justiniano Montero assures that people must be educated about the moral importance of public service

Justice Justiniano Montero, judge of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), gave a lecture on Ethics and Corruption, in which he stated that the best parameter of control in public institutions of any nature is to educate people about the moral importance of the public function. The ... Read more

The Judiciary Branch of the Republic's Judiciary launches the book "Justice up to date to guarantee people's dignity". 

The Judiciary Branch of the Republic's Judiciary launches the book "Justice up to date to guarantee people's dignity".

The digital work was carried out with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and deals with the work being done for the judicial transformation and the construction of the justice of the future in which the new generations will be inserted. The Dominican Judicial Branch, with the support of the ... Read More

Spanish judge affirms that the great challenge of justice in the countries of the Region is to offer credibility to the public 

Spanish judge affirms that the great challenge of justice in the countries of the Region is to offer credibility to the public

"The great challenge of Latin American and Spanish justice, once we have acquired a system of guarantees, is to offer credibility to citizens," said the magistrate of the Supreme Court of Spain, Pablo Llarena. The magistrate made his remarks during the conference "Challenges in the Ibero-American justice systems", in which he pondered the ... Read More

Judiciary Council recognizes judges and judicial servants for their merits in the exercise of their duties 

Judiciary Council recognizes judges and judicial servants for their merits in the exercise of their duties

The Judicial Power Council (CPJ) distinguished 34 judges and judicial servants with the Order of Judicial and Administrative Merit; recognition corresponding to 2020, 2021 and 2022, an act headed by the presiding judge of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Henry Molina, and by the magistrate councilor Bionni Zayas Ledesma, president of the Organizing Committee ... Read More