The transformation has made judicial servers more responsive, as well as more efficient by optimizing time. It also avoids relocations by facilitating remote work. It respects health measures by avoiding contagions., It makes it easier to handle documents and allows for better use of physical space.o.
The acting president of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the National District, Magistrate Danilo Caraballo Núñez, emphasized that the digital transformation that the Chamber has undergone has been transcendental for the justice system.
He stated that the main advance experienced by the courts has been the interconnection of information with the central administration of the Judicial Branch, which allows for the application of more efficient public policies and improved service to the users of the system.
The Magistrate emphasized that, contrary to other times, this change represents a quantitative and qualitative advance in the efficiency and transparency of judicial processes in the Dominican Republic.
As an example, he pointed out that the digital distribution system allows for a random and equitable distribution of work among the chambers, so that one court does not have more work than another and that the process of file output is done in a more balanced manner.
He also indicated that the index book, which is where all the information that enters the system is stored, was previously done manually and is now automated.
Another achievement is the unique case number that allows the docket record to be retained regardless of the jurisdiction where it is located.
In addition, Magistrate Caraballo Núñez pointed out as beneficial the interoperability of the civil registry and the City Hall to facilitate the payment of taxes to the same.
He emphasized that now, every time a drawing is made or a hearing is scheduled, the user is informed of the execution of that procedure through an e-mail and in real time, which becomes an exercise of transparency of the secretarial functions vis-à-vis the users of the justice system.
"Previously, lawyers had to come to the court clerk's office to see if their case had come out, but now they can receive detailed information remotely in their e-mails about those kinds of things," Judge Caraballo Núñez said.
Sandra Rivas, assistant lawyer of the presidency of the Civil and Commercial Chamber of the Court of First Instance of the National District, highlighted the impact of the transformation of justice in that court.
"Assigning courtrooms only takes 30 seconds; from the moment the file or case is ready to be assigned to a courtroom, we can set up to 30 in 30 seconds. Previously this process was done manually, one by one, and after we made the draw we had to generate a report that had to be sent to all the chambers," said Rivas.