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Chief Justice highlights digital signature as one of the greatest achievements of the Dominican Judicial Branch 

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Chief Justice highlights digital signature as one of the greatest achievements of the Dominican Judicial Branch

Judge Arelis Ricourt Gómez, coordinating judge and president of the Civil Chamber of the Court of Appeals of La Vega, said that the digital signature is one of the greatest achievements of the Judiciary in the use of technology. 

Ricourt Gómez spoke on the subject together with Welvis Beltrán, Director of Technology of the Dominican Judicial Branch, during the seminar Digital transformation in the Caribbean for an inclusive and sustainable justice, which was held in the country with the support of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD), the European Union, and the International Foundation for Ibero-American Administration and Public Policy (FIIAPP). 

Insisting on the benefits of digitization for the Dominican Judiciary, the magistrate reiterated that "it changed our lives, going from the use of the cart with the files, to the use of digital signature of documents from anywhere in the world we are". 

He recalled that, after the pandemic, this new working method allowed judges and judicial employees to return to their jurisdictional work in an orderly manner and without worry. 

He pointed out that the Dominican Republic is a country that enjoys great connectivity, since almost every citizen has a cell phone. 

"We are convinced that promoting access to modernization is going to help citizens to have better justice and the Judicial Branch is doing everything necessary to place itself at the height of current times," he assured.  

Judge Ricourt explained that digitization has also contributed "to the fact that we have zero paper" on our desks, "because we work on everything digitally and that is why today we have satisfied users". 

Welvis Beltrán said that the Strategic Plan Vision Justice 20/24 has led the technology team of the Judiciary to work hard to provide an effective response to the needs and demands of the users of justice. 

He indicated that, in 2019, there was a very complex situation of connectivity, equipment and technological infrastructure in each of the country's judicial departments. 

Based on this, he explained that, in order to carry out the process of digital transformation of the Judiciary, it was defined the need to have a base and visionary architecture to adjust and adapt the strategic guidelines of the Institutional Plan Justice 20/24 with the ICT Strategic Plan, based on processes and technologies, highlighting the implementation of the cloud of the Judiciary. 

Magistrate Arelis Ricourt Gómez and Welvis Beltrán addressed the topic Digital Transformation: experience, needs, challenges and progress in the Dominican Republic, moderated by Spaniard Javier Hernández Díez, with the participation of Deputy Government Minister José Ramón Holguín Brito, Manuel Olmedo Palacios, from the Ministry of Justice of Spain, and Ana Isabel Del Ser López, president of Audiencia in León, Spain, who spoke about the experience of that nation in digital matters.    

During the seminar, the importance of Law 339-22 on the Use of Digital Media in the Dominican Judiciary was highlighted in order to achieve the transformations that are being promoted.    

2 Responses to "Presiding Judge highlights digital signature as one of the greatest achievements of the Dominican Judicial Branch "

  1. As a collaborator of the judiciary I corroborate with Magistrate Ricourt and Engineer Beltran that this law has been changing and substituting paper for digital and has also contributed to the environment.


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