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Presiding Judge SCJ promotes the study of jurisprudence as a source of Law  

About the Judiciary

 MADRID, Spain. - The President Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Henry Molina, and the Vice President of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Spain (RAJL), Dr. Rafael Navarro Valls, met in Madrid with the intention of establishing ties of collaboration between their institutions. Navarro Valls also chairs the Permanent Conference of Ibero-American Juridical Academies. 

Academies such as the RAJL exist in many Latin American countries and their main purposes are the research and cultivation of law and related sciences, as well as the contribution to the improvement of the rules. They are community-based forums that bring together the best of academia, the judiciary and the legal profession to contribute to the health of the legal system.  

Chief Justice Molina spoke with Navarro Valls about the Dominican Republic's recent efforts to generate greater critical observance of the judicial work by the community, and highlighted the recently presented Yearbook of Dominican Cassational Jurisprudence 2022, which discusses the jurisprudential developments of each year.  

The Yearbook has been placed on the HeinOnLine digital platform, a search tool that contains more than 215 million pages of journals, government documents and court rulings from around the world. 

The presiding judge discussed with Navarro Valls the strengthening of the Dominican Republic's ties with the Permanent Conference of Legal Academies on the occasion of the Ibero-American Judicial Summit to be held in Santo Domingo in 2025. 

Dr. Rafael Navarro Valls 

Since 2000 he has been a member of the Board of Governors of the Royal Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence. He is Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Turin, Honorary Member of several Academies: Venezuela, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Galicia, Extremadura. He was awarded for his merits, the Grand Cross of San Raimundo de Peñafort (2012). 

One of Spain's leading canonists, he is recognized for his active participation in debates on contemporary issues in canon law, including the Vatican reforms and the Apostolic Constitution ¨Preadicate Evangelium¨. 

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