The National School of the Judiciary (ENJ) celebrates the 25th anniversary of its foundation with a series of commemorative activities that highlight the work done by this academy in the training of judges, judges, public defenders, judicial servants and the legal community in general.
The ceremonies included the celebration of the ENJ's Teacher's Day and a mass of thanksgiving at the San Juan Don Bosco Parish, officiated by the bishop of the Archdiocese of Baní, Monsignor Víctor Masalles, who advocated that in the next 25 years this academy will continue to produce just men and women to take the place of judges, understanding that the work to establish justice is blessed by God.
The religious service was attended by the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Magistrate Henry Molina; magistrates Nancy Salcedo, Samuel Arias Arzeno and Justiniano Montero, judges of that high court. Also present were Bionni Zayas and Blas Fernández, members of the Judicial Power Council; Ángel Brito, director of the ENJ, judges from different courts, members of the ENJ Board of Directors and administrative personnel.
Asimismo, la actividad académica «ENJ 25 años de innovación y su impacto en el presente y futuro de la administración de justicia», conferencia que se realizará en todos los Departamentos Judiciales del país y que inicia en Montecristi el próximo miércoles 9 de agosto, con las exposiciones de las magistradas Arleny M. Cabral, coordinadora departamental de Montecristi; Martha Díaz, presidenta de la Camara Civil de la Corte Apelación de San Francisco de Macorís; Katia E. Nebot, presidenta del Primer Tribunal Colegiado de Dajabón; y Anabel Rodríguez, del Juzgado de la Instrucción de Santiago Rodríguez.
The celebration will also include a regional workshop for judges on electronic evidence and cybercrime with the Organization of American States (OAS) and the participation of magistrates from several countries.
It also includes the Anniversary Celebration this Friday, August 11, the day of the founding of the ENJ, an activity that will take place at the headquarters of the academy and will be attended by Judge Henry Molina, president of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), of the Judicial Power Council (CPJ), as well as the Board of Directors of the School.
The National School of the Judiciary was created on August 11, 1998 after the enactment of Law 327- 98 on Judicial Careers. Its first director was Dr. Juan Manuel Pellerano, followed by Magistrate Henry Molina, Gervasia Valenzuela Sosa, Dariel Suárez Adames and currently, Ángel Brito Pujols.
In 2012, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCYT) recognized the quality of ENJ by granting it the title of Institute of Higher Specialized Studies.
1 comment on "National School of the Judiciary celebrates its 25th anniversary with various events "
Many congratulations and blessings to our beloved ENJ!