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President of the SCJ calls for united efforts in the fight to eradicate gender-based violence

About the Judiciary

The Judicial Branch held the colloquium "Remembering the Butterflies", which was sponsored by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), in which The event highlighted the actions taken by the Dominican Judicial Branch through the Commission for Gender Equality and its Directorate for Inclusive Policy to eradicate inequality and violence against women.

The Commission for Gender Equality of the Judiciary and the Directorate of Inclusive Justice held the colloquium "Remembering the Butterflies", an activity whose main objective is to raise awareness on the issue of violence against women and to highlight the actions carried out by the Judiciary in this regard.

The colloquium was attended by Justice Luis Henry Molina Peña, president of the Supreme Court of Justice and of the Judicial Power Council, who called on society to join efforts in the fight to eradicate all male violence.

"The incorporation of the gender perspective in a transversal manner in the administration of justice must be a necessary response to the insistent drama of male violence and femicides. But it is also a call for collective awareness of our need to improve as a country. It is common sense that all people can feel safe, without fear to go out in the street or in their own homes," said Molina Peña.

He added that "the commitment is to work from our spaces, from every court in the country, every office, to eradicate all types of violence. First and foremost, and especially violence against women. Using all the tools at our disposal and implementing the necessary public policies to prevent and punish this type of crime. Guaranteeing access to justice to all people without any kind of discrimination and protecting their vulnerable situation is a priority of Justice".

During the activity, the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice, Nancy Salcedo and Vanessa Acosta, coordinator and deputy coordinator of the Commission for Gender Equality of the PJ, respectively, stood guard of honor before the image of the Mirabal sisters in the midst of a song in their honor.

The speakers at the colloquium were judges Ingrid Fernandez, judge of the Fourth Collegiate Court of the Court of First Instance of the National District; Natividad Ramona Santos, judge of the Third Chamber of the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Appeals of Santo Domingo; Eudelina Salvador, judge of the First Chamber of the Court of Appeals of Santo Domingo, and Judge Carlos Suero, judge of the Fourth Chamber of the Labor Court of the Province of Santo Domingo.

During the ceremony, artist Laura Richardson performed the song "Canto a las hermanas Mirabal" in honor of the butterflies, which was taken from the book of poems La Tierra Escrita by Aida Cartagena Portalatín.

Violence against women is exercised because of their status as women, as a consequence of the discrimination they suffer both in law and in practice and the persistence of inequalities based on gender conditions.

In July 1981, the first Latin American and Caribbean feminist meeting was held in Colombia, in which the issue of violence against women in different countries of the region was discussed. At that meeting it was unanimously decided to declare November 25, International Day of Non-Violence against Women, in honor of the sisters Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa Mirabal Reyes, who were beaten to death by henchmen of the Trujillo dictatorship.


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