The President of the Supreme Court of Justice and of the Judicial Power Council, Justice Luis Henry Molina Peña, described as an unprecedented achievement in the history of the administration of justice in the country the 100% eradication of the judicial delay in the Second and Third Chambers, the Plenary and the Gathered Chambers of the high court.
In his main speech this January 7 on the occasion of the Judicial Power Day, in a solemn audience held in the Augusta Hall attended by the President of the Republic Luis Abinader, the presiding magistrate assured that because of this hard work, justice today exhibits an unprecedented achievement in its history, thanks to the work and commitment assumed by the judges who make up the plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice, "by resolving 100% of the hearing files and proxy rulings before 2019".
"This great work is the result of the Plan for the Eradication of Delinquency or judicial delay that the Plenary of the Supreme Court launched. As well as the integration of new work methodologies and technological tools," said Molina Peña.
According to the president of the Supreme Court of Justice, the first chamber, which hears civil and commercial cases, as of 2019 had a backlog of 6,467 files. "Today, having done a forceful job, it has managed to bring the backlog to 28.7%, with only 730 pending files."
On another topic, Molina Peña indicated that among the advances related to the systems reviewed is the study and design of the Judicial Scale, which endorses the rights of professionalization of the judiciary and allows in a rational way to ensure that the advancement of each judge takes place under objective parameters and related to equitable qualifications.
"By increasing the prospects of institutionalization and limiting discretionality, the first movements in the judicial career took place. The judicial career ladder, of public access, allows generating fairer and more harmonious relations among judges, in compliance with the mandate of the Judicial Career Law since 1998", exposed the also president of the Council of the Judiciary.
He added that each of these updates result in effective protection of the guarantees of judges, contributing to a more professionalized and stable judiciary, leaving behind the discretionality in decision-making related to the system.
Likewise, he explained that the necessary technology is being incorporated into the judicial activity not only to optimize its operation, but also to make it more transparent, auditable and accountability-oriented.
"It's not just a technological change, but also a cultural transformation," he concluded.
Molina Peña also recalled that the Code of Ethical Conduct has been updated, which functions as a catalog of duties, prohibitions, inhibitions, disqualifications, inabilities and conflicts of interest. The Code of Ethical Behavior, which functions as a catalog of duties, prohibitions, inhibitions, disqualifications and conflicts of interest, has been updated.
"This code of ethics, based on shared values, makes it possible to renew the vigor of the integrity system. Approved by the Plenary of the Supreme Court of Justice, the modification of this judicial policy contributes to the necessary confidence of the citizens in Justice".
The presiding judge stated that the Judicial Branch finds its raison d'être in achieving an inclusive, timely and reliable justice, guaranteeing the rights and dignity of people. With judicial policies that contribute to access and reduce barriers for those who the system places in a situation of vulnerability.
Regarding the National Judicial Academy, the presiding magistrate pointed out that the programs that enhanced the virtual option continued to be developed, which facilitated access and training for a total of 14,944 people. programs that enhanced the virtual option, which was able to facilitate access and training to a total of 14,944 people. "These programs were applied to all internal staff and users, male and female lawyers from all over the country," he said.
In addition, he explained that the creation of the School's Innovation Laboratory for Justice, as well as the launch of its new virtual library, where case law and doctrine from 1910 to July 2021 can be consulted, also represent an important contribution to the transformation of justice.
Regarding the Real Estate Registry, he stated that this agency maintains a level of compliance of over 95%, despite the fact that the demand for services has increased by 20%. The level of compliance is over 95%, despite the fact that the demand for the service has grown by 20%.
"During the year that ended, we hosted the VII Conference and Assembly of the Inter-American Network of Cadastre and Property Registry, where we were able to showcase the advances in customer service that have meant both the virtual office for registration procedures and the mobile application of the service, he said.
Proposed Law
The president of the SCJ announced that the Judicial Branch has exercised for the first time its constitutional power of legislative initiative, by sending to Congress the bill for the use of digital media in the administration of justice.
"Virtuality is here to stay. It contributes to the speed and transparency of the administration of justice in a decisive manner. What used to happen inside the offices is now online to facilitate the actions of the parties, citizen control and better management of the resources that have been entrusted to us. The beginning of the process in the National Congress is a great opportunity for the transformation of justice and I wish to express our full commitment to support this task that now falls to the legislators," he said.
Finally, the presiding magistrate assured that the Judicial Branch will continue to deepen its desire to contribute to the welfare of the country.
"The judges, with their commitment to integrity, their vocation of service and their great training, are a pillar of trust and support so that Dominican society can continue on its path of advancement. Our work is the protection of the guarantees and freedoms that the Constitution upholds," he concluded.