The Judicial Branch, headed by its highest court, the Supreme Court of Justice, welcomed the approval by the Chamber of Deputies of the Bill for the use of digital media in the PJ, an initiative that seeks to enable and regulate the use of information and communication technologies in the judicial and administrative processes of this branch of the State.
Its approval will allow online processing for lawyers and citizens, virtual hearings, except in criminal matters, the use of digital signatures for judges and judicial servants, the creation and availability to the public of electronic files and other facilities and advantages that judicial transformation has made possible.
The option of electronic means to process cases in the Judicial Branch broadens the service channels, makes it possible to observe the operation of the courts and the traceability from the entry of the files to their delivery, positively impacting efficiency, transparency and a better administration of justice.
This proposal was submitted by the judges of the Supreme Court of Justice in October of last year, this being the first time that the high court uses its power of legislative initiative recognized by the Constitution of the Republic.
It is only fair to recognize and acknowledge the work of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Representative Alfredo Pacheco, the President of the Special Commission, Representative Víctor Fadul and the members of the Special Commission for its study.
The approval by the Chamber of Deputies is a clear indication that the country is aware of the impact of technologies in achieving an efficient, inclusive and reliable Justice.
The implementation of digital procedures arose in response to the pandemic, although its planning was scheduled since 2019, in the Strategic Planning Vision Justice 20/24. The project contributes to the fulfillment of the mission of the Judiciary, being an essential proposal to ensure the speed and procedural economy necessary to ensure an up-to-date justice to guarantee the dignity of people. Today it passes to a second stage on its way to becoming a law: it must be heard by the Senate of the Republic.
The use of technology in the administration of justice will allow providing an optimal service inspired by the obligations of effective judicial protection and due process contained in Article 69 of the Dominican Constitution. The entire justice sector and citizens in general are urged to support this piece of legislation that contributes to the continuous improvement of the justice service, optimizing the judicial management as demanded by the Dominican society.