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Puerto Plata Judicial Department averages 102.96% of responses to requests in the first half of the year

About the Judiciary

Puerto Plata Courthouse

The Judicial Department of Puerto Plata presents an overall average of 102.96% of responses to requests registered in the first semester of the current year, in the service offered by the courts to the users of that jurisdiction.

The report released details 101.30% court solutions in the month of January; February 104.87%; March 117.58%; April 102.57%; May 95.76%, and in June 95.85% responses to petitions.

Magistrate Juan Suardí García, coordinating judge of the Judicial Department of Puerto Plata, emphasized that the courts remain without arrears, the promotion of good inter-institutional relations and the efforts of the judges and judicial servants of said department.

The total number of requests responded to through the operations dashboards was 22,583.

This growing effort is driven by the Vision Justice 20/24 Strategic Plan.

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