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Judicial Branch Council publishes Judicial Scale and vacant positions for judges (zas)

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Judicial Branch Council publishes Judicial Scale and vacant positions for judges (zas)

For the first time in history, the Judicial Power Council of the Dominican Republic published on its web portal the Judicial Ranking, in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 of Resolution 001-2021, which establishes the Regulation that organizes the Judicial Ranking System and the System for the Provision of Judicial Positions. It also publishes the list of vacancies and general information on the filling of positions.

Within the framework of the process of filling positions, the workload of judges was studied and, in order to provide timely justice to users, 39 new judicial positions were created nationwide in those cases where the law allows it. In this regard, in order ton order to estimate the number of judges needed in the system, it was decided to estimate the standard load that each judge, according to his or her jurisdiction, has the capacity to resolve under normal conditions.

The vacancies cover the various courts that make up the judicial departments, especially Santo Domingo and Santiago, as well as those of the National District, Puerto Plata, La Vega, San Francisco de Macoris, San Pedro de Macoris, San Cristobal, Barahona, Montecristi, San Juan de la Maguana, as well as in the land courts of original jurisdiction, Courts of Appeal and equivalents, and Courts of First Instance of the different provinces.

The purpose of the judicial career ladder system is to allow judges to develop in the judicial career, moving from one category to another based on seniority, personal and professional merit.

It is recalled that thehe Judicial Council, in its regular session No. 036-2021 dated September 28, 2021, had approved Resolution No. 006-2021, which introduces some modifications to Resolution No. 001-2021.

In said session, the publication of the Judicial Scale and the continuation of the process for the filling of positions, based on Resolution 001-2021, had been authorized.

Among the provisions set forth in Resolution No. 006-2021 is that of instructing the General Directorate of Administration and Judicial Careers to publish the approved vacancies and to initiate the procedures for the filling of judicial positions pursuant to the provisions of Resolution No. 001-2021.

In addition, establish a transitory provision that recognizes the right of judges who are temporarily exercising a certain position of hierarchy to be proposed in the vacant position they have been occupying provisionally prior to the approval of Resolution 001-2021, provided that they continue to perform such function at the time the position is filled.

Likewise, it provides that after three years have elapsed from the application of the Judicial Scale, a modification to Article 10 of Resolution No. 001-2021 shall enter into effect, according to which the time spent in the department shall be added to the time spent as a judge in the judicial career. It is important to point out that according to Article 33 of Resolution 001-2021, the prohibition of promotions with transfers is maintained.

Another provision is the approval of the correction of material errors, prior to the publication of the judicial ladder, as established in Article 14 of Resolution 1-2021.

The Judicial Branch has made numerous efforts to comply with the fundamental objective of the hierarchy, which is to regulate the progressive and egalitarian order within the Judicial Career. Likewise, it prioritizes the filling of positions by transfer and promotion of judges, provided that they meet the legal requirements to occupy a position within the same category and specialty, a promotion in category or both.

For more information you can access the following links: 

Resolution No. 006-2021

Judicial Scale  



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