The Judicial Branch, within the framework of the Justice a Day plan and as part of the 100% Transparency axis, is in the process of reviewing and updating the rules governing disciplinary proceedings.
The Judicial Power Council (CPJ) submitted for public consultation the modification of the Disciplinary Regulations applicable to judges, so that its content can be evaluated and socialized by the different actors of justice and interested persons.
These regulations establish the principles that must govern the disciplinary process applicable to magistrates, in accordance with the Constitution and the law.
The deadline established by the CPJ at its regular session No. 18-2024, dated June 11, 2024, begins on Monday, July 8, 2024, and ends on Thursday, August 1, 2024. The CPJ General Secretariat will be receiving comments and/or suggestions from interested parties at
The amendment submitted for consultation includes the structuring of the procedure with a purely administrative nature, excluding the criminal connotation that it currently has; the reduction of the terms of the disciplinary process and the incorporation of technological tools within the process according to the provisions of Law No. 339-22 that enables and regulates the use of digital media for judicial processes.
This regulation is contained in Resolution No. 017-2020 which modifies Resolution 25-2018, dated August 1 of the same year, which states that disciplinary trials are the exclusive competence of the Judicial Power Council, in accordance with Article 156.3 of the Constitution of the Dominican Republic and will be carried out based on the provisions of Law No. 327-98 on Judicial Careers.
To view the consultation document, click here.