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Judicial Branch Logo

Work progresses on the drafting of the Dominican Legal Dictionary (DJD)

Work progresses on the drafting of the Dominican Legal Dictionary (DJD)

The National School of the Judiciary (ENJ), the Dominican Academy of the Language and the Guzmán Ariza Pro Dominican Academy of the Language Foundation began in January of this year the work of drafting the Dominican Legal Dictionary (DJD), a joint effort that seeks to define all the terms of the legal system of the Dominican Republic ... Read More

Barahona Judicial Department presents an average of 103.72% response rate to court requests

Barahona Judicial Department presents an average of 103.72% response rate to court requests

The Judicial Department of Barahona presents an overall average of 103.72% response rate to the requests registered in the service offered by the courts to the users of that jurisdiction. The report details a 102.37% of solutions from the courts in the month of January; February 101.26%; March 106.45%; April 114.06%; May 100.71%, and June 96.58% of responses ... Read More

Judicial Branch begins implementation of the Equalizing DR Seal in the Public Sector to strengthen gender equality and equity

Judicial Branch begins implementation of the Equalizing DR Seal in the Public Sector to strengthen gender equality

The main functions of the Mainstreaming Committee are to certify compliance and the correct implementation of the standards and requirements of the Seal in the institution, identify drivers of gender equality within the institution and promote the empowerment of women in the work of the institution, among other mandates that promote good practices for gender equality in the institution, as well as the ... Read more

SCJ develops the criteria for charging invoices for public communication under Law No. 65-00 on Copyrights.

SCJ develops the criteria for charging invoices for public communication under Law No. 65-00 on Copyrights.

The First Chamber of the Supreme Court (SCJ) developed by means of judgment No. 2076-2021 the criteria for the collection of invoices for public communications based on Article 163 of Law No. 65-00 on Copyright. According to this sentence, a user of a company that receives the service from a public communication company, who receives the ... Read More

Santiago Judicial Department averages 105.5% response rate to court requests

Santiago Judicial Department averages 105.5% response rate to court requests

The Judicial Department of Santiago presents an overall average of 105.5% of responses to requests registered in the first semester of the current year in the service offered by the courts to the users of that jurisdiction. The report released details 111.99% solutions from the courts in the month of January; February 107.54%; March 108.62%; April 111.30%; May 95.65%, and May 95.65%, and ... Read More

Judicial Branch recognizes career of judicial career judges appointed to the TSE

Judicial Branch recognizes career of judicial career judges appointed to the TSE

The Judicial Branch of the Dominican Republic recognized the judges of the Judicial Career, who were appointed by the National Council of the Magistracy to form part of the Superior Electoral Tribunal, highlighting their trajectory and important contributions to the judiciary and the Dominican judicial system. The recognition ceremony was dedicated to magistrates Ygnacio Pascual Camacho Hidalgo, who presides the TSE, Juan Alfredo Biaggi Lama, both with 23 years in the Judiciary, as well as Fernando Fernández Cruz, who was part of ... Read More

SCJ establishes that businesses may not charge 10% tip if consumption did not occur in establishments

SCJ establishes that businesses may not charge 10% tip if consumption did not occur in establishments

The Third Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), through a change of criteria, considered that the mandatory gratuity provided for in Article 228 of the Labor Code should not be included in the bills for meals and beverages that would be consumed in a place other than the business or trade that sold them ("take out or delivery"). From ... Read more

ADN y ENJ entregan certificados mediación a líderes comunitarios

ADN y ENJ entregan certificados mediación a líderes comunitarios

El Ayuntamiento del Distrito Nacional (ADN) y la Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura (ENJ) entregaron diplomas a 22 líderes comunitarios que fueron capacitados en el curso “Gestión de Conflictos Comunitarios”, formación que surge con el propósito de que esas personas puedan mediar en los diversos conflictos que surjan en sus comunidades.  La capacitación, que se llevó a cabo en la ENJ tras una solicitud de la Dirección del Proyecto … Leer más

Departamento Judicial de San Cristóbal promedia 106,00% de solicitudes registradas

Departamento Judicial de San Cristóbal promedia 106,00% de solicitudes registradas

El Departamento Judicial de San Cristóbal presenta un promedio general de 106,00% solicitudes respondidas en el servicio que ofrecen los tribunales a los usuarios de esa jurisdicción en el primer semestre del año en curso. La estadística de dicho Departamento muestra un 92.66% de soluciones en el mes de enero; 86.47% en febrero; marzo 92.49%; … Leer más

ENJ lanza “Hackatón” para que estudiantes universitarios colaboren en retos de la justicia

ENJ lanza “Hackatón” para que estudiantes universitarios colaboren en retos de la justicia

El “Hackatón” es una iniciativa de la Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura, en colaboración con varias universidades dominicanas con el propósito de fomentar la innovación en la justicia, a través de propuestas colaborativas que estarán desarrollando los estudiantes de los centros educativos participantes.  Estudiantes interdisciplinarios de las principales universidades del país participarán en el “Hackatón Visión Justicia”, organizado desde el Laboratorio de Innovación para la Justicia … Leer más