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Poder Judicial realiza webinar “Personas con discapacidad y su inserción en ámbito laboral: experiencias desde la vida misma

Poder Judicial realiza webinar “Personas con discapacidad y su inserción en ámbito laboral: experiencias desde la vida misma

La Comisión para la Igualdad de Género del Poder Judicial y la Dirección de Justicia Inclusiva en coordinación con la Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura, realizaron en la tarde de hoy el webinar “Personas con discapacidad y su inserción en ámbito laboral: experiencias desde la vida misma”. Esta actividad se realizó a propósito del día internacional de las personas con discapacidad, de acuerdo con la Asamblea … Leer más

Poder Judicial dominicano y ENJ son reconocidos con el Sello de Buenas Prácticas Inclusivas RD Incluye 2021

Durante la V edición del Sello RD Incluye, fueron reconocidas 62 instituciones públicas y privadas, entre la que figura el Poder Judicial dominicano  por tres buenas prácticas inclusivas en favor de las personas con discapacidad   El Poder Judicial dominicano y la Escuela Nacional de la Judicatura (ENJ) fueron reconocidos por el Consejo Nacional de Discapacidad (Conadis) y el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) con … Leer más

SCJ actualiza el Código de Comportamiento Ético del Poder Judicial

Con esta acción se le da cumplimiento al Eje 3 de “Integridad para una Justicia Confiable” del Plan Estratégico Institucional  del Poder Judicial  El Pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia (SCJ) aprobó la actualización del Código de Comportamiento Ético del Poder Judicial, con el objetivo de utilizarlo como instrumento de naturaleza recomendatoria, preventiva y no sancionatoria para orientar las conductas de las personas al perfil modelado … Leer más

Justiniano Montero assures that the proposed Law on the Use of Digital Media in the Judiciary will generate invaluable benefits in the institutional order.

The judge of the First Chamber said during the Strategic Dialogue on the Transformation of Justice that the National School of the Judiciary has been training lawyers through the program "I'm going virtual", due to the importance of digitization and these means in the Judiciary. The judge of the ... Read more

Majority of participants in public hearing in Congress supported Digital Media Use Act proposal

Most of those who participated in the public hearing in the National Congress on the proposed Law on the Use of Digital Media in the Judiciary, agreed that technological transformations in the justice system are essential to adapt to the new times that demand such tools for access and access to information, as well as for ... Read More

Legal community, civil society and academia support transformation process promoted by the Judicial Branch

They hope that the Bill for the use of digital media in the Judiciary will be approved in the National Congress to achieve a more efficient justice, guarantee access and dignify the exercise of law. Judges, civil society, academia and members of the legal community support the judicial transformation being implemented by the Dominican Judicial Branch and ... Read More

SCJ establishes that the criminal offense of pimping is not only constituted by the presence of the victim, but also by other means of evidence.

The Second Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice established that Dominican legislation does not punish or sanction prostitution, but the one who exploits and benefits from it, under Article 334 of the Penal Code. The jurisprudence establishes that there may be many causes or circumstances by which persons who engage in prostitution may be punished... Read More

President of the SCJ calls for united efforts in the fight to eradicate gender-based violence

The Judiciary held the colloquium "Remembering the Butterflies", which was sponsored by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), which highlighted the actions carried out by the Dominican Judiciary through the Commission for Gender Equality and its Directorate for Inclusive Policy to eradicate inequality and gender inequality in the Dominican Republic ... Read more

SCJ socializes Bill for the Use of Digital Media in the Judiciary with Chamber of Deputies and ANJE

Members of the Commission headed by Magistrate Luis Henry Molina Peña, met with a special representation of the Chamber of Deputies that is studying the piece of legislation and with representatives of the Dominican Association of Young Entrepreneurs to discuss the importance of the project for the Dominican Justice. The Legislative Agenda Committee of the Chamber of Deputies ... Read More

National and international experts socialize on the challenges and challenges of technology for the transformation of the justice system

One of the main topics discussed at the Strategic Dialogue was the proposed Law on the Use of Digital Media in the Judiciary, which is currently being considered by a Special Commission of the Chamber of Deputies of the Dominican Republic Several national and international entities participated in the Strategic Dialogue: Perspective of the Transformation of Justice in the Dominican Republic: Challenges ... Read More